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Kyr'am Galaar

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Everything posted by Kyr'am Galaar

  1. sorry... I got a phone call... c'ya later.

  2. I've tried modelling... But the head had VERY long spikes when I was done.... So that didn't go so well. But I think I might've exported wrong... And yes, I can do module reskinning.

  3. See? It all works out in the end... :p

  4. You should have gotten the email. Are you sure you didn't misstype your email? Why don't you try again, and if it doesn't work, then we have a problem... :)

  5. You spell badly... :xp:

  6. Hey, harIII. I'd be more than happy to assist with skinning and/or dialogue building. If you'd like. :)

  7. Hey. I really want to play your Jedi from start mod, you can upload it to http://www.filefront.com It's free and it doesn't pend. :¬:

  8. chat? I just missed ya.

  9. I missed you on my forum. I was on FB.

  10. Hey, Silveredge. A friend of mine (LordDeathRay) was wondering if he could use your Ajunta Pall unique appearance mod in his own. Since you never put a permission section in the readme.

  11. Hey, ner vod. Chat?

  12. Sorry, had d-hall.

  13. Hey. I made all the ranks except Recruit in mando'a. And by "mod" I meant "moderator"

  14. Some of my fanfic is on your forums.

  15. Ehh... Je'karta does not seem to be a mando'a word... Kar'ta means heart. He could have taken jehaat, which means lie or untruth, and combine that with kar'ta, to make je'karta which could be untrue heart... Or something...

  16. Mandalore the Insanely Dangerous

  17. I joined your forum...

  18. there is no word for invincible. The closest to it is eternal, which in mando'a is darasuum. If you want that, it is Te Darasuum Mand'alor. Which someone on this forum is already named.

  19. Kyr'am bah an meg akaanir haar Mando'ade!

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