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Kyr'am Galaar

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Everything posted by Kyr'am Galaar

  1. That happens to be Te Ani'la Mand'alor, or Mandalore the Ultimate. And to the second question: Zip. But I'm only fourteen... Although I constantly find girls calling me cute... Ack! In five days I'll be fifteen and I'll be able to go to driver's ed. I'd rather focus on that right now... And yes: I'm a nerd. Well... More of a computer geek... And a book worm, among other things...

  2. It's a Taung. An ancient mandalorian... I'm sure you've heard of them. :D


    If you haven't... *points at shotgun* :devsmoke:




    (and I'll check it out. It sounds interesting!)

  3. May I join Team Assassin?

  4. Welcome aboard, LDR. I've enjoyed your Dark Jedi names mod. How come I never thought of that??? :D

  5. Hi, Star Admiral. Do you know how to make one of those script testing armbands? I'm clueless...

  6. Hi SS. I have a question about your Revan's Flowing Cape and Belt (1.1) mod. Well... More of a bug report actually. I try to put a new skin for revan into my game and your robes will still have the original skin... I'm not sure what is happening.




  7. You online? Can you check my forums?

  8. Go ahead. I ain't gonna use it.

  9. 'Quit' is a better word... :¬:

  10. Yes, and I'm using 'em.


    I see that you saw my comment on kotorfiles. I'm rc2212payback btw...

  11. *Jai'galaar gets split in half*



  12. Jai'galaar isn't the only one who can make avvies...

  13. Hi, oldflash! I was wondering if you could possibly make your HK-47 model from your final touch mod and convert it to KotOR 1?



  14. Revan cut his head off... I personally am a big fan of Revan.

  15. I've FINALLY fixed my 1st KotOR. And I didn't even have to look for my CD! It just needed the patch.

  16. Exactly! Mandalore the Ultimate was an exception. He DID fight Revan in personal combat.

  17. Have you checked my forum lately? I've made an RP where we participate in the Jedi Civil War.

  18. Have you checked your forum lately?

  19. Happy b-day. Nice name btw. :p

  20. Hey, ner vod. I rather like it! :thmbup1:

  21. I've just finished reading your Adventures of Jolee Bindo after school for three days straight. It was epic! I enjoyed every bit.

  22. I know. But we need a scripter because me and Jag have NO scripting talent...

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