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Kyr'am Galaar

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Everything posted by Kyr'am Galaar

  1. Really really small... TINY!!!

  2. Ah... You basically control a character by telling exactly what he/she does. Other people's charries respond to your charrie. There must be NO God-Modding. God-modding is controling another person's character. There can be a little. But nothing major...


    Tell me if you don't understand...

  3. The cavalry has arrived! ((RP))

  4. Oh... You're posting the secret in peices???

  5. I already knew that you make them in GIMP... I make them in GIMP!

  6. And I'm still trying to put an 'o' instead of an 'er' in 'commander'... I'm a true star wars/rep com geek/nerd!



  7. You are part of Strike Team Gamma! Go, go, go!


    (I love being a commander... It's so fun to give orders like that. And be the main strategist of the squad.)

  8. Now would be a good time to post in the RP.

  9. Darn. I was hoping you would join it...

  10. Did you click it? It's even better if you click it.

  11. You seen my latest sig?

  12. You seen my latest sig?

  13. You seen my latest sig?

  14. 3 days 'til Christmas, ner vod!


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  15. 3 days 'til Christmas, ner vod!


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  16. 3 days 'til Christmas, ner vod!


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  17. 3 days 'til Christmas, ner vod!


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