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Sebastian.Zissou last won the day on February 17

Sebastian.Zissou had the most liked content!

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  • Location
    Barcelona, Spain
  • Interests
    Game Collector
  • Occupation
    IT Technician
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
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  1. Hi, Scummbuddy! Can you update the photo with all the magazines, please? Thanks!
  2. Thanks for the heads up! I was tempted to get the PS4 version but ultimately the lack of purple tentacle usb held me back 😏
  3. Dammit, while filling the credit card details to pay, the Day of the Tentacle box went out of stock again 😡
  4. For what it's worth, I'm with Rincewind in this; even if it's not close to the original painting, the dark tones of the first restorations of the Monkey Island 2 cover adds wonderfully to the sinister of the escene.
  5. It's surely nonsense, but it just occurred to me: what if LeChuck IS Guybrush... from the future? 🤔
  6. ...and in Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis also.
  7. Almost 13 years ago: https://www.doublefine.com/news/winners-write-the-history-books-germans-make-the-posters And now -oh, the hypocrisy-, they're using two of his restaurations (without asking) in their own "history" book...
  8. Hello everybody, I have a question to all forum members living across Europe: of those who have already received the anthology, how many days did it take to reach your home after receiving the email from DHL with the tracking numer? I live in Barcelona, I've received the email a week ago and still don't know anything about the package, should I start worrying or what...? (pandemics problems aside, the DHL website still says the estimated time of delivery is 6 business days).
  9. Absolutely fantastic Jan, and no less than 14 years since the first restauration! (I think)
  10. It seems like I clicked on everything on that very page that day
  11. I can confirm the TOMI big pins set was sold by the Telltale Store, I bought two from them for Christmas 2009.
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