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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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Everything posted by Te Darasuum Mandalor

  1. I'll be sure to do that. Who knows, it may be sooner than we think (i'm also kinda busy with other mods like a custom campaign I'm making for Warcraft 3, the POTC Build Mod, and a LOTR module for Neverwinter Nights 2)

  2. Not at the moment, I lost interest and time and not very many people were supportive of it. Who knows, maybe I'll get back to it someday

  3. you have to have seen azerothian super villains to understand.

  4. i know you never come on forums anymore, but life is boring these days and I need someone to talk Harry Potter with, lol.

  5. What the heck happened to lf Christians? I thought I might have been kicked out, then I saw that it was completely gone.

  6. However, Christmas is best in Germany. Twelve days of presents. If my family didn't have German, we wouldn't have traditional Christmas.

  7. Get the third one in the battle chest which comes with the expansion too. Don't know if ur in the us but if you are, they have it at target and best buy and maybe walmart.

  8. "Uther, I hearby relieve you as leader of the silver hands."

  9. dunno, I was thinking about it recently, I have been modding.......better games lately (better in different ways, still love Kotor though!) Neverwinter Nights 2, Sea Dogs 2 (Pirates of the Caribbean in US not related to movie), and Warcraft 3.

  10. i actually don'tcome on very much. I haven't been ative since April.

  11. we still doing pirates.

  12. Then u better get a new avy.

  13. Umm, it's called LF Christians is it not? And I am a Christian.

  14. Btw, I saw the rules in the lf Christians and I am wondering, why does it say alchoholl is offensive? I don't understand why one would think it is wrong when it is a huge part of our culture?

  15. heres a link, the RP is already in full swing. Im sure Ping will let you join late.



  16. you should join the pirate casting call too. If you like pirates of coarse.

  17. you could also create more characters if you wanted too


    I will start the RP by next week

  18. interested in joining my KOTOR: The Growing Threat RP?

  19. you gonna create a character?

  20. wanna join my new SW RP?

  21. sure, you can have up to three characters.

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