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Dak Drexl

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Status Updates posted by Dak Drexl

  1. Forgot to say thanks, JM gave me some really nice lines!

  2. Hahaha alright I'll be sure to let you know if that time ever comes!

  3. Thanks! Happy holidays to you as well!!

  4. Heya, think you could lock this thread for me please? http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=204703


    Modding for me has been slow, but I haven't forgotten about that female tusken!

  5. I think it would be easiest if you just sent me a list of all the items' .uti names so that I could put them into the .utm (I think that's what merchant files are called). Do you want me to add any other items into there or even add another merchant somewhere else? Just let me know, I'm getting started now :D

  6. Damn really? That sucks horribly but thanks for the heads up. I haven't been around too much lately... glad to hear you're using my skins that's awesome :) can't wait to see.

  7. Hey, just saw your message, even though I'm over a year late! Obviously haven't been around much but I just got kotor on steam so I thought I'd stop by and see what's new in the community. That totally sucks about filefront going down - I never really jumped on the deadlystream train so looks like most of my mods are gone now :(

  8. hey I need some help with my mod.

    I'm making the uti's for my camo mod. The stats and descriptions work, but the appearance isn't right.

    The resref is pmbg70, so I renamed body variation, texture variation, and palette ID to 70. When I equip the item, the texture and model is just a normal battle armor. I guess I need to change something about the Model Variation but idk.


    Can you help me out? Thanks.

  9. Hey I've got a quick question for you. How do you render alpha channels in 3ds? Ex. Make stuff transparent where it's supposed to be instead of the default black.


    Or if you happen to know a tutorial you could point me to that'd be awesome. Thanks man.

  10. Hey, just saw your message about a year later - sorry! I just learned about how filefront went down. I don't have my old modding computer anymore, so sadly it looks like most of my mods went down with filefront :( if anyone still has any of them, definitely let them know to upload them to deadlystream or wherever!

  11. Yes! I love that fem sand person thingy you started on. I'll play with anims for you but I've been really busy lately. I have an idea for a male stalker if you'd like to hear it. I started working on one for TSL a while ago - it uses the sith assassin which is the same map as Jolee's clothing from K1. I could edit his model a bit so that it looks like it more. Would this technically be porting because the map is used in both games? It's the same as if I edited Jolee's clothes if you know what I mean. Anyway let me know what you think of that...


    Also love the hoods with the male sand person models!

  12. I may give it a go sometime. Probably not soon though, I'm having way too much fun modding. I'm improving on Ben Krass (or is it Crass?) right now and he looks better already

  13. I would love some, thank you. I'm taking a screen of the newest Zayne now. I think he turned out well.

  14. His model made NWMax crash for some reason, but no big deal. The changes I made were hardly noticeable. I gave him an improved skin though and it looks great. I want to give him his own clothes... would a reskin of Atton's clothes fit him?

  15. Hey dude, thanks so much for those nominations, I really appreciate it!! I've just been so busy with life lately I haven't been able to stop by the forums let alone do any modding. Thanks again, talk to you soon :)

  16. Yeah that would be absolutely great.

  17. Welcome to the forums! Finally :thmbup1:

  18. I totally understand. I just took a screen of the better skin, sending to you shortly

  19. Ok awesome, sounds great to me! I'll set up the VO's too as I need to learn how to do that anyway.


    Edit: Actually all you need to do is tell me what his reference # in the .2da line is so that he appears as... well him. That's all I need. I have a little dialog written that you can obviously change if you want, but it's pretty basic and to the point.


    What I did is made the initial conversation open up. Then you say: "Can I see what you've got?" Then the store opens and you get a datapad just saying that you found Xerda's store (that's his name). This datapad is the trigger item that removes the opening conversation and replaces it with "Welcome back, insertnamehere. Care to take another look?" Just so you know how I scripted this...

  20. I can't :(

    But you're welcome on the team for my new wip!

  21. Cool, I'll play with that if I can. Nothing special, just went out to dinner with the family. Everyones tight on money so nothing too extravagant :xp:


    Can I ask how your planning on making the RSF armor wearable to the player? I could never figure it out without replacing an armor when I was making my old republic camo mod.

  22. DAMN I always miss you. Perhaps tomorrow xD


    I need help with something anyway. Can you script custom items into specific containers in TSL? I need your help!!

  23. hey ner'vod, I think Kahim turned out great. I don't really know of any other characters I can skin so I've started on a personal mod for K1, but that won't be done for quite a while, so PM me a character or two we have to do yet

  24. Hey buddy, will do! See you over on deadlystream, I actually might start a (very) little WIP thread over there soon. Hope you've been well my man.


    Oh and thanks so much for uploading some of my mods to DS! Glad to see that not all of them disappeared.

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