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Qui-Don Jorn

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Everything posted by Qui-Don Jorn

  1. ok..look again, I found one more little one..and I would say 'destroy' instead of 'takes out'..

  2. Err..not that I really care, but shouldnt I be listed under 'design' team rather that 'art' team? ah, whatever..

  3. Yeah - just looked. Posted on your thread on DeadlyStream.


    Drinking age for the Empire?..I think it's like 6 or something.

  4. Defeating the Empire on Quesh.


    (Don't let the Zabrak fool you,.he's only 16th.)

  5. Ok, man,..I'm gonna split for a bit..will check back periodically

  6. Yeah, I know..i was just saying I was jumping into TOR and would check back periodically...but now Im off to bed. :p

  7. SH is on Telos something something...was going to try to find him..

    I'll see if I can get on there though.

  8. I was going to do a Consular/Shadow for first character...

  9. Heh. Think I'm about to start playing TOR.

    Modding TSL may be a thing of the past for me..hehhehehe

  10. No problem Z, you may even want to hold off on the 906iacen.dlg. I think I am going to add some more depending on what I'm able to do with the fight scene.

    Thanks again.

  11. ok..done. On sisters computer so I will refrain from setting up at the moment. But I will get to it this weekend and get back to you.

  12. Well, just sayin', don't plan on starting the doubles for a while yet, just a heads up.


    I looked at sugarsync and it didn't appear free to me..send me a link

  13. Thats cool. And I will get back to modeling the doublesabers eventually, just want to get this other stuff cleared off the table first. Unless you have someone else you'd rather have do the sabers, its fine.

    So yeah, if there was a way to get a large pack of item uti's or dialog or whatever to me through email, that would be the best way I think. I can't pay for membership to a file sharing site, so..

  14. Well, I said awhile back I just wanted to do alot of grammar punctuation and spelling checking on items and dialog and whatnot, that still applies.

    I don't know if you need or want it, but..

    Do you have something else i could do in mind?

  15. ok, gotcha. more website and pre-stuff than actual building the planets.

    Anyway I can help?

  16. so how much more have you done with ROR?

  17. Hey I dont know if you took care of it already, but if you want a new version of 003EBO.mod for HotOR that should fix that multiple Iacens bug, you could pm your email addy to me.

  18. Hey left you am email..

  19. oh, whaddya know bout that??

    Happy Birthday

  20. Thanks. Getting better at this scripting thing.

  21. Damn...you may have gotten the very first release that had that glitch in it. I rereleased it on DeadlyStream with that glitch fixed.


    "..and it's fun to have a cool Jedi character around".

    That's what I think...:)

  22. ..got it working. yay.

  23. Ever get through HotOR? Same opinions apply?

  24. oh hey I just noticed I don't have your gmail account,..guess I have your work one.

    Is it cool to send it there?

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