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Qui-Don Jorn

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Everything posted by Qui-Don Jorn

  1. "Are you able to simulate any of the voices heard in either of the game? I'm wondering if you can do a passable impression of anyone in either KOTOR or TSL..."



    I was wondering that myself...I need a better Fassa, Bao-Dur and Dustil..:)


    Hey, so did you ever finish Cathalan? I'm working on making it playable..but ssshhh! No one can know! Hahahahaha LOL :)

  2. Hey I had an idea...what about doing those things that look like swords but are these round things that stun you or do electrical damage like in TOR?


    Im already working on one model..I need to find out if you can merge the stun baton animation on a regular sword in TSL...I can already replace the sword model with my "stun sword", but it would look awesome if you could put that animation on them..not sure if it's possible. ??

    what do you think?

  3. select every other face...bevel in a little, then negative extrude, then bevel that in, then delete the faces.

  4. ...hasn't been on since October. ..hhhmmm

  5. ..you saw that post about HotOR and Cathalan are compatible? you just have to remove his k_003EBO_enter.ncs from override.

    But that script is un-decomplilable,. so I cant merge them.

  6. yeah, I thought you must have the wrong guy. :)

  7. Hey man, lemme know if you actually COMPLETE Cathalan...I just had it installed and NOTHING WORKS! Had to completely reinstall the whole game and mods because of that mod.

    I dont want to scare you but I was SO disappointed in Cathalan..I thought it would be great, but half of the quests aren't completeable..and now I'm very angry at that pompous Austrailian for wasting my entire day.


    Oh, and when you are finished with a playthrough of HotOR, lets talk..:)

  8. Yeah, no rush. And yes, Atris' robes. which I believe is P_AtrisBA.tga.

    Make a mostly black one and call it P_AtrisBAD.tga, ..it dosen't have to be all black,..pick a color and go nuts.


  9. hey nevrmind..I found out why on his page..

  10. Yodles. Got a job for ya..I think Im wanting a black Darth Traya robe reskin(Atris)...I did one last night but it aint all that. not terrible but wanted to see if you'd give it a shot. ?

  11. Hey Deadman...do me a huge favor. *Don't* start modeling saber hilts :D

  12. Hey sorry, we missed each other. was just trying to catch up on spell checking or whatnot with ROR..

    haven't looked at the sugarsync thing yet..

  13. Same to you. Cheers!

  14. Logan. you there? can you jump over to hssiss?

  15. putting it out this week...i think. Not gonna wait for RCM 1.8 F-it.

  16. hey Dak, you're account at DeadlyStream got killed. re-register.

    a lot of ppl's did due to outside tampering I think..

    oh yeah, and I made icons for the reskins you contributed..Atton's and Mira's jackets..

    kinda cool actually.

  17. Zhaboka!!!


    your vo's rule.

    Iacen Konn is now a real character.

  18. ok, i cant get to it right now but i'll do it as soon as I can..not feeling too great,..tooth trouble. :(

  19. Het ya I just gor them - havent been around in a couple weeks, got bust with real life stuff . Ill start working on these tonite and tommorrow. Thanks again.

  20. Cool! So hey, did you not pack those .ncs files inside the mod? They go in override??

    Does the .mod file still have the source code?

  21. Hey Logan...you should have the full package at your HOTMAIL account..sorry that took so long.

    Talk to ya later

  22. So, what do I gotta do to get the new ROR 001EBO.mod from you? :p

  23. OHHH! sorry I just got back from the wilderness...

  24. Huh? remove what module? what were we talking about?

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