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Qui-Don Jorn

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Everything posted by Qui-Don Jorn

  1. Oh you are right..I forgot that you said you didnt have it installed, my bad..


    Yes, it IS Jaevyns modified script. And as far as I know he doesnt have it at the moment, he sent me basically *two* tr_leave_hawk.nss's - his 003EBO_enter is overwritten with tr_leave_hawk.nss..so I dont have it..

  2. eer..hey can you decompile scripts? need a favor..:)


    if so,..k_003EBO_enter

  3. You know Rays Pizza? Thats where I worked. Actually I wonder if its still there..Im out in Lawrenceville now..

  4. Heh heh, :D...dude, Im 39..haha!

    Belle Isle? ..isnt that down near Johnson Ferry?

  5. Sandy Springs, huh? Haha,..thats where I was a couple years ago..corner of Roswell and Northridge..small world. :)

  6. ...where's Snard?

  7. hey, let me get your k_003EBO_enter.nss and I'll put my bit on it so 1.6 will be compatible.

  8. so, all the hilts ok?? anything go wrong?

  9. So you have all of it now, right??

    Good, ..I'll start working on the double bladeds' probably next week..

    Ataru, Makashi, Juyo and Niman...unless you have another idea.

    I got to get home for the night, get a cup of french roast in me and try to remodel some more of my default replacement sabers...I'll send that mod to you when I get it done. shouldnt be long..

  10. d'ja get it?...how bout now??


    ...ok how bout now, d'ja get it?


    ya got it now?...how bout now? :D

  11. Ok i emailed it again to your HOTMAIL account..let me know when you get it

  12. yeah sorry its been raining last two days...haven't been nowhere..tommorrow!

  13. ok cool. Ill try to re-email that to you tommorrow

  14. you got mail...last batch. woo!

  15. more stuff..l..,check email..

  16. hey yeah, i forgot to include the 2da file..emailing it to you. It is from scratch and does not include the other hilts so you woulkd have to add those manually.

  17. so whaddidja think?

  18. ok you should have it

  19. awesome..starting on 2nd and 3rd stages soon.

  20. Oh hey yeah, your (demo) launcher.ini buttons were all set to 49,..I set them to 209, which is where they should be.

    Anyway, check your Yahoo email..using my hotmail account for the time being.

  21. you there?..whats your email addy?

  22. ooooooohhhhhh fffffuuuuuuuddddggggeeeee.


    ill do it tommorrow ok?

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