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Qui-Don Jorn

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Everything posted by Qui-Don Jorn

  1. Hey check your email, sent new stuff while I was thinking about it.

  2. Pretty good actually,...I think I hit a new stride with modeling, even if Gmax blows..and I have THE WORST POSSIBLE mouse for modeling! :) All is well!

  3. Hey Q, How are ya? Just saw you pop in so just saying hello..Hellloo!

  4. Oh, i guess im over it.

    i don't know. i was probably in a bad mood.


    I think there might be a hotor 1.6, i made Iacen Konn into a playable npc that joins the party on NarShadaa. Remodeled his saber and attons,..getting friend of mine to voice him this weekend. its something like 100 lines of VO...

    the character splits after you get the message from visquis to meet in JekJek Tar..

    so on and so forth..

  5. oh i can only discuss that privately

  6. ...ah, but seriously, my mod sucks and im not very good at modeling hilts. No one really likes them very much. But I know why...!

    I think I'll stop and go back to music.

  7. Thanks..I've done a couple more and I'm working on getting Iacen Konn to be a temporary PC, sorta like what NewbieModder did with Jolee.

    Except this is MY character! hahaha. or should I say muwahahaha!

    Yeah I did one from Randomsabers called the Scimitar...and I did a possible Kaah saber for M4-78..though it will probably never go anywhere...

  8. Hey there, I went and converted all the HotOR sabers and dialogs into german if you are still interested...

    Here is the link




    Hope this helps, let me know if they are still messed up and I will try to help you.



  9. hehe thanks, its cool. :)

  10. right, ok.. Ima finish playing your mod now..where can i get the patch? link on thread?

  11. Cool. what did you do? just edit your sion.dlg? just curious

  12. Oh, stands for Taris Upper City Emporium which is right below Holowan.

    but nevemind, its cool, i haven't been online in over a week i think,

    the contest is done with by now

  13. Hey,. whats up?

    I've been ok..

    been working on a saber mod for K1, and some new dbl bladed hilts for TSL.

    I'm done with both i think..can't tell you how much K1 irritates me!

  14. Oh yeah, ..uuum

    go vote for my mod over on TUCE. hehehe :)

    if you haven't voted already that is...hehehe im buying votes, i should be a politician


    just checked my download site and didn't see any Dl's..did you DL it yet? just curious

  15. ok nevernid that last thing..it didnt send for some reason..but you can download it here http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JTPT6SRC


    Let me know if you have any trouble

  16. hmmm, i have to wonder what the modders that have been around for years really think of it.

    but ah whatever,... i like it :)

  17. hehe i have passion? :)

    yeah that, and alot of time on my hands. Lol :)

    you were the one that voted for HotOR right?

  18. Thanks for supporting HotOR like that. :)

  19. Hey sending the mod to you now..

    You got all colors for both games...


    Wanna do me a favor? :)

  20. Didja see em'? Whadja think?

  21. hey im back around.

    just send the files to the email i sent you.

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