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Status Updates posted by LDR

  1. It didn't discourage me, I'm just a bit sad, you know? :xp: And my favorite character? I don't know. There's been so many great characters coming in and out of the RP, it's hard to pick a favorite.


    Oh, and it's been a while since I've read The Sith Resurrection. In fact, I didn't read the first three chapters. Can you refresh my memory on the events of what happened so I can be back up to speed with this?

  2. Righty-o. I'll get my Republic characters made. Looking forward to playing with you. Hearing me in battle is going to be...amusing. :xp:

  3. Well I've been doing pretty good. I've gotten pretty far with Recruit Dak Drexl even though I didn't have much to work with.

  4. *Sarcastic* Yeah. Right. Anyways, I'm on chat at galaar studios. Join?

  5. Sorry I was AFK, but hss is still open.

  6. LDR

    That's good to know. Things are going good on this end, albeit crawling along. :xp:

  7. I got my main character, Varik Athzaria, made. Now to finish Tython....(in a few days)

  8. Nothing. It's all good.

  9. Hey Chev! If you ever start up some RPs, let me know so I can join! :D

  10. Mine's Level 9. One class away from dual sabers. :xp: What's your name on there so I could add you?

  11. Oh, you really did it now! :lol:

  12. So, your Revenge of Revan mod is nearly complete? If so, I would love to be a BETA tester, as I just finished Trex's KOTOR:The Jedi Masters mod, which was awesome.

  13. To be honest, I can't really do anything to the academy as of now.

  14. I don't know. It must be that people are attracted to your awesomeness :xp:. And I understand about your standard. Forgive me.

  15. My main is Athzaria - Jedi Knight/Sentinel (DPS). The others are Lomuta - Smuggler/Scoundrel (DPS), Corre - Trooper/Commando (DPS), and Tyzen - Jedi Consular/Shadow (DPS).


    My Imperial main is A'trion - Sith Warrior/Juggernaut (DPS). The other two are Ha'ra'n - Imperial Agent/Operative (DPS), and Vadrik - Bounty Hunter/Mercenary (DPS).

  16. Heh, those made me crack a smile. :)


    and did you hear about what happened at BSN? Stanley Woo locked the giant thread where folks would gather to nag about the ending. Way to fail, Stan.

  17. Well, my characters are on the Harbinger server, as well as the others in [TWC] and [iMB].

  18. Eclipse mercenary, Mass Effect 2.

  19. I changed its animation state to 204 and it still isn't appearing. Hmm. I also went through two scripts, "a_hawk_inc" and "a_holoworld", but they didn't come up with anything conclusive. This darn thing is driving me mad.

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