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Status Updates posted by LDR

  1. I don't know. Did you see my Prison Ship mod thread? I'm still working on the scripts. Feel free to voice your opinion on the thread, and put down some ideas too!

  2. Thanks. I'm near Mt. Rushmore, going to be seeing it tomorrow. I also saw the Badlands. Did I mention that my dad drove me there and that it's a road trip? And that we drove from Pennsylvania?

  3. And nice avatar BTW. It reminds me of Saren from Mass Effect.

  4. Hey, I nearly finished my character. I just have one question, is there no Republic Army? Or did the Ruusan Reformation die out?

  5. LDR

    You too! Happy Turkey Day!

  6. I think it also might be due to the fact I don't have any scripts on the utp either. What script would I be looking for in the toolbox?

  7. LDR

    Hope you didn't get caught in that earthquake!

  8. Happy Turkey Day!

  9. Hey SH! Have you been working on any mods recently?

  10. I'll make the portrait at the end, lol.

  11. Okay, I made my character. Definately (I can NEVER spell this darn word) not as good as some of my other characters (Varik Athzaria, for instance) but he's still a pretty decent character, especially considering that I whooped up his character in, like, 15-30 minutes.

  12. Happy Turkey Day!

  13. B...but....he kicked me in the shin!


    What a baby. :xp:

  14. Happy Turkey Day!

  15. Nevermind I fixed it. :) I think I did good with this, because even though the three of them are in a "Pro-Dark Elf" extremist group within the Purge, doesn't mean that they trust each other. Uradus and Athaso have been trying to kill each other for years - the only thing keeping them from doing so is their mutual goals with Fa'ask.

  16. newbiemodder and Hope Estein are helping me with the script that opens all the cell doors and the guards attack. I have the script that makes the iridonian fade away if you tell the guard captain what he's planning, but the script that makes the guards hostile is more complicated than you think!

  17. Sorry, just a little miscalculation on my part. :xp: Now, time to type an epic jump-in. Hehe.

  18. Happy Turkey Day!

  19. LDR

    Happy Turkey Day!

  20. Want me to send you a beta of my Katarr mod?

  21. Thanks! I was going to start off with my guy in a battle and then he's in the medbay on the Ackbar or something. I probably won't post it until a week later, as I'm rereading all 8 parts of this series.


    Oh, don't worry, I'm amazing at jumping in. My favorite was when my character crashed his ship into a mercenary camp...


    You know what? forget what I said about rereading the whole series. There IS NO WAY I'M READING 119 PAGES OF RP. :xp: I mean, I enjoy a good read, but...that's just overkill! Do you guys not realize the scope of this until you do the math?

  22. LDR

    Happy Turkey Day!

  23. Forgive me if Hord is a wee bit overpowered. He IS an ancient Sith Lord, you'know. :p

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