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Status Updates posted by LDR

  1. What, I have to start it? :xp: Okay, but you have to post in the Darkness Within.

  2. How'd you get your signature like that? The GamerTag part, I mean.

  3. Um, I just want to talk about the beta, I have some ideas for the story, and I... I want to join the team.

  4. Lieutenant Thire


    I enjoy voice acting, and this guy sounds like he has a prominent role in something.




    Yes, I have voice acted before, but those mods aren't released yet.

  5. What would you suggest in a reskinned skybox? Right now, all I improved to it was giving it a slightly pinker hue. Besides, it is Korriban, and that is Korriban's skybox.

  6. LDR

    Hey Ping. How've you been?

  7. Well, maybe we could have two separate things going on? There could be everyone on Tatooine, and then all of the Jedi and Darrek Ulgo could be in the space battle? What I'm going for is that Caton Drea is able to successfully cut the engines but he is unable to escape. Then it crashes in the Eastern Dune Sea, gets attacked by Sand People, eh... What do you think?

  8. Awh... I was always under the assumption that you were a great role-Player. :p Whatever, I understand your decision, and I hope that you could break that one habit of yours!

  9. LDR


  10. Logan, sorry I wasn't there at the moment. I got tied up in a few things. I'm on there now though.

  11. can i be a beta tester? plz

  12. You filthy liar!

  13. I put up the Casting Call, if you want to consider it and take a look at it.

  14. Hey, I'm sorry about not posting about Fa'ask and the others burning up Paryer. I simply haven't felt like it at all.

  15. Alrighty then, no problem. I'll start it up in a few days or so.

  16. Hey, I've decided that I don't want to be a part of Strike force S or whatever it's called. I don't think I would integrate well with the story. Brieder War and Purge - however, were lucky flukes. If you could give me a good rundown of the story, then I'll consider it.

  17. Hey logan! How was your Christmas?

  18. Oops, I already did. :xp:

  19. Don't worry about me. I'm just a bit shaken.

  20. Mehh. I posted something. I hope it works.

  21. But when that's finished, can I be a beta tester?

  22. I don't want to drag it on though XD. I'll rap it up in the next 2-3 posts, and then I'll have Fa'ask talk with his only superior, Poteryannyĭ, so that MA could finally put the big, bag leader of the Purge into the RP.

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