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Status Updates posted by MsFicwriter

  1. Would you be willing to read a story of mine that's a novelization of KOTOR II with all-new characters (except for the Sith Lords) once I start it?

  2. Would you care to review my latest SW:TOR installment, entitled "Fatal Answers"? :)

  3. Would you do me a quick favor in the CEC and change my "SW: TOR" The Best-Laid Plans" title to "SW:TOR: Poetic Injustice?" If so, then thank you in advance! :)

  4. Would you mind commenting on "If You Want Peace"? :) I'm a total feedback junkie!

  5. Would you mind taking a look at my Old Republic stories and seeing what you think? :)

  6. Would you please help me connect the dots on this vague and amorphous story idea I have? All I have are some characters and a dark mystery: "blah blah Kreia blah blah Malachor V blah blah non-Jedi n00b blah blah revelation." Sorry if I make no sense.

  7. Would you please read my new story, "FORMLESS: Prologue?" Thanks!

  8. WOW! I loved the introduction to your character, and you can bet V'nessa's going to be tempted by Daimonos' knowledge...

  9. Yes, if he still wants his Dwarven character on the ferry. :)

  10. Yes, thank you! :) As for Meara, she's the cook for our traveling group, or will be.

  11. Yes, there were crossbows. As for Alkonium and his sniper rifle...we'll wait and see.

  12. Yes, Yun is her Master...but something's about to happen, nonetheless. Since he's going off to Coruscant to negotiate with the Sith, someone else is going to be giving her a few lessons...

  13. You are in, and I think your character's profile is awesome!

  14. You can review "LESSONS IN EXILE" if you'd like. :)

  15. You got it! :) Of course I'll join!

  16. You know what my problem with Atton was? He sounded way too immature and selfish to have committed all the atrocities he did. Also, he was too much of a Han Solo clone, who I never really liked anyway because I preferred Luke.

  17. You totally saved my butt on this story. There was no way I was going to rewrite it! :p

  18. YOU'RE NOT DEAD! ((((Shana))))

  19. Your post is great, and thank you!

  20. Your Reavers character would definitely work, although your steampunk weapons would have to be Gnomish-engineered. :)

  21. Your story is kind of confusing, but I do like the dialogue. Harr is my favorite character!

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