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Dath Maximus

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Everything posted by Dath Maximus

  1. *ninja appears from the rafters*

    *ninja hugs jae*

    *throws down smoke pellet and disappears*

  2. love you long time!

  3. yeah...and with an age diff of 7 years...i think others would make comments about you taking advantage of me...so you can call me.....teacher

  4. i can teach you many of the dark ways

  5. your methods of insults is indeed impressive miss avery....with the correct teachings...you could be an artist like myself.....and yeah..i work nights...of course my love doesnt see the light of day...the sun is down at night

  6. no...not really....my love is in a HOLY MOTHER OF GOD THAT IS A HUGE WASP ON THE WINDOW SCREEN!!! my love is in a dark cold place........and as for name calling....its how we say hi

  7. cheap monkey butler diaper changer (hell if i know.....hi)

  8. lexx has cankles!

  9. hehehe...yeah its not my group, im not an admin, im just good at what i do

  10. you smell like ham and booze

  11. yeah, i thought so at the time

  12. stuff, also...aint doesnt have a ' before it

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