I see what you're saying Jenni, but I don't 100% agree with your argument. The 2013 Larry game was a remake, (even though it didn't do a good job at reimagining a 25 year old game). This is a remaster, which is basically polishing the game for new hardware. Recasting voice actors goes a long way to completely changing things that people loved about the game in the first place. Of course the extend of that is subjective. I for one am also happy that they changed the intro tune, which to me didn't really click from the get go.
All in all, I don't really mind this time around, because as I said, the voice acting wasn't really the strong suit of the game, and I'm glad they're tweaking it, but it's a dangerous slide to be on.
Maybe I don't fully understand, because I'm also not from the U.S., and don't really understand their politics, but I'm sad that in some cases, they influence good products from the past. (Which stretches further than Sam and Max alone.)
All in all though, I'm really excited about the remaster, and I think it looks great! Wish it was December already!