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Status Updates posted by Sabretooth

  1. I dunno, it was just sweet to say and get your attention. :D


    How did you pass your goddamn physics exams you little >:[


    Get on Skype, but in a while, je mange le poisson, et c'est delicieux

  2. I find this insulting parade for metal insulting. Heavy Metal is a sophisticated, artistic and beautiful form of music. It involves more meaningful and rich lyrics than most of the crap that passes for pop/hip-hop/rap.



  3. I have reported your despicable, offensive and utterly tasteless use of the Word in your fic to majesty, who will investigate the matter shortly.



  4. I have seen your callous attitude towards your own followers Darathy, I have relished it and I will be superior for it, as the members you snubbed are now within the ever-twirling folds of Divided Surrealo-Marxist Anarchy.


    Rejoice all you can on your throne within the Halls That Hath No Men, oh Great "Emperor", oh ye who calleth yourself the "Ubernauth", you False Believer of the Stoffe the High-Praised Holy Light that is the One May Blood Be Swift On Her Name, Ye who art thrice-cursed by the night hags of the Martian dwellings, ye who art committed to acts arcane of a Gypsy liking, ye who defilith the holiest of temples, thou who breaketh every oath of covenant set upon thee, oh thou most treacherous false monarch, may ye be cursed eternally to the Styx, that ye may never rise from the Hades and suffer torments beyond mortal imagination, you perfidious old wretch of an emperor.

  5. I loved your tapdancing routine in that Peliosaur thread sir, absolutely marvellous skills there.



  6. I may be interested in your RP 'Immortal Pain'. I need info on whether:


    1. I can play as a villain instead of a member of the league.

    2. What the mage and vampire subraces entail.

    3. How much the world has technologically advanced in 10 years.


    Also note that my contributions will not be influenced by any of the inspirations you have mentioned.

  7. I see you have not had a visitor message this year!!!


    Here, tkae this message and spread it to everyone in the your friends list


    If you spread it to 7 or more friends, your favoured party will win the elections!!!


    If you don't spread it, you will die. This is real - Bob and Jane didn't think it was real either so they didn't spread the message to anyone. Bob died in a car accident and Jane was elected in Parliament, dying a metaphorical moral death of sorts.



  8. I see your spies, I know they are around me, and I will gut them by the abdomen.


    But yes, it was most interesting, as anything written by Vonnegut should be.

  9. I think a more pertinent question, dear Litofsky, would be, did Bee share any genetic material with an acceptable candidate? o_Q


    I'm reading your fluff-fic right nao, bee!

  10. I trust youuuuuu <:]


    Because if you always lied you wouldn't be very chaotic

  11. I was wandering your WONDROUSLY OPULENT Last.fm page and I discovered Niyaz there. I congratulate and thank you sir, and may all you find God through love.


    Also, I understand the Urdu lyrics, which makes it doubly awesome.




  13. I wuz going to write moar for tOCStDoSRRWatRT, but mai internets ran away with mai motivation. :(


    How is werk, bee? How is stuff? And when you opening Javyar's? :fist:

  14. I'm cool too! Just reading a bit here and there, trying to get a game working.


    I don't normally read much around the Centre, but I decided to look around when Bee started pestering me. I noticed that many of the comments were either dull or nitpicking, so I kind of decided to do actually read the poems in good light.


    And I assure you, it's not in-depth reading, just in-depth analysis. :D I read your poems once, going over twice or thrice for parts I didn't understand and laid down what I thought.

  15. I'm doing alright. Just got my hard drive replaced and am now filling it with games obtained from... questionable sources. >_>


    Speaking of sarcasm punctuation, behold this. I am so going to use it now.



  16. I'm going to have class from 6:30 to 9:30 now every evening. I may not be able to ninja out everyday! :D In Malaysian time that would be 9:00 to 12:00, add about half an hour or so for dinner. :(


    Watch the trailer for 300 Bee, then you understand the true power of the awesome lines of 300.


    Aye, I too, have finished with the next chapter for tOCStDoSRRWatRT, so we'll do a simultaneous beta or something.

  17. I'm guessing those are New Zealand dollars. ;) Also, the prices sound about right, My finished computer came for $787 New Zealandian, (remember, no graphics card yet). Games here retail for 2000 Indian bucks, which would mean somewhere around 40-80 New Zealandian dollars, so yes, prices are going down.


    But if we're to follow the general trend, prices here are general higher than in the US, due to import costs.

  18. I've been reading a weird book too, it's called Genesis and the plot is like, a supernatural force plays a game of The Sims and then does some crazy **** like destroy cities and make people live for hundreds of years. Was pretty awesome, lots of violence and sex. :D


    Reading the sequel now, called Exodus. And SKYPE BEE SKYPE GODDAMN.






    >>>>>ICARUS HAS FOUND YOU!!!!!

    >>>>>>ICARUS HAS FOUND YOU!!!!!

    >>>>>>>ICARUS HAS FOUND YOU!!!!!

    >>>>>>>>ICARUS HAS FOUND YOU!!!!!

    >>>>>>>>>ICARUS HAS FOUND YOU!!!!!

    >>>>>>>>>RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!

    >>>>>>>>RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!

    >>>>>>>RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!

    >>>>>>RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!

    >>>>>RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!

    >>>>RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!

    >>>RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!

    >>RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!

    >RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!

    RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!






    >>>>>ICARUS HAS FOUND YOU!!!!!

    >>>>>>ICARUS HAS FOUND YOU!!!!!

    >>>>>>>ICARUS HAS FOUND YOU!!!!!

    >>>>>>>>ICARUS HAS FOUND YOU!!!!!

    >>>>>>>>>ICARUS HAS FOUND YOU!!!!!

    >>>>>>>>>RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!

    >>>>>>>>RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!

    >>>>>>>RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!

    >>>>>>RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!

    >>>>>RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!

    >>>>RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!

    >>>RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!

    >>RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!

    >RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!

    RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Ich bin Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil.

    Komm aus Ägypten, das liegt direkt am Nil.

    Zuerst das ich in einem Ei,

    dann schni-,schna-,schnappte ich mich frei


    Schni Schna Schnappi

    Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp

    Schni Schna Schnappi

    Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp


    Ich bin Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil,

    hab scharfe Zähne, und

    davon ganz schön viel.

    Ich schnapp mir was ich schnappen kann,

    ja schnapp zu, weil

    ich das so gut kann.


    Schni Schna Schnappi

    Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp

    Schni Schna Schnappi

    Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp


    Ich bin Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil,

    ich schnappe gern, das ist

    mein Lieblingsspiel.

    Ich schleich mich an die Mama ran,

    und zeig ihr wie ich schnappen kann


    Schni Schna Schnappi

    Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp

    Schni Schna Schnappi

    Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp


    Ich bin Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil,

    und vom Schnappen, da krieg

    ich nicht zu viel.

    Ich beiß dem Papi kurz ins Bein,

    und dann, dann schlaf ich einfach ein.


    Schni Schna Schnappi

    Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp!

  22. Idiocracy the movie



  23. If ashes to ashes,

    And dust to dust,

    A handful of dust,

    Surely a handful,

    Would it be to me,

    A handful of ash.

    ~ Oscar Wilde, The Rubaiyat of Nasrudeen Hodja

    (translated from the original German by Jun'ichiro Tanizaki)

  24. If translated to Google Translatese, then yes. :p My translation is, A bit of despair "Come this way!"


    It's from the lyrics to Ringo Mogire Beam, by Ohtsuki Kenji and the Zetsubou Shoujo-tachi.

  25. If you are calling from your PC via the Internet to a phone, you need to pay.

    If you are calling from your PC via the Internet to another PC, that's free.

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