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Everything posted by Alkonium

  1. Ok, so depending what input I get from people, I may be posting the Casting Call for A Glimmer of Hope tonight. Have you got anything in mind yet?

  2. Do you think we could try to speed up the "Spirit Scene" in DttS? Andirrul's on her way to confront Kalla, and I don't think you'd want her interrupting.

  3. You might want to read over Cyborg Ninja's last post in DttS, and edit your latest.

  4. So, is Wrath going to trick Andirrul into meeting the Jedi halfway, or not?

  5. Part of my plan for Part VII involves Iyav working for Republic Intelligence, and he and Komad are investigating reports of a missing Star Destroyer, and I'm wondering if it'd work for Belina to have sent them out looking for it?

  6. Well, I got Cyborg Ninja to join. Just give me some other names, and I'll get on it.

  7. So, yeah, I'm attempting to bring back the Drunken Time Travellers.

  8. Actually, yeah, that works pretty well.

  9. I'm waiting for Part VI to end before posting the Casting Call. I just posted the Text Crawl for Part VII already because I had gone home for Reading Week, and would have otherwise lacked the facilities to create it.

  10. Long story, alternate future, set around 110 ABY. The Third Galactic Republic has been at war with the New Galactic Empire since 107 ABY, but the New Empire is falling apart. Here's a timeline for the series. And my YouTube channel has the text crawls for every Part in the Series (including the upcoming Part VII). You'll have to talk to JediMaster12 if you're wondering about anything related to the Avalon system, the Rashikians, or the Blood King.

  11. I'm wondering, would you be interested in taking part in the next instalment of my Sith Resurrection RP Series? While we've never RPed together, I do think your style would be a very interesting addition to the Series. What do you say?

  12. Out of curiosity, do you have any plans for Wrath in Part VII?

  13. Well, JediMaster12 seems to be back, so it doesn't seem to be that necessary. We should be able to get the story back at a good pace.

  14. It wouldn't be the first time this sort of thing has happened. During Parts II and III, Reyvan was played and created by Jason Skywalker, but he stopped posting, so I handed the role over to JediMaster12 for the remainder of Part III and the whole of Part IV, and I took over him from Part V onwards. He's fine with it now, even though noone cleared it with him at the time.


    It's also possible that if you send him a private message, he'll get an email notification, prompting him to come back.


    You could also leave it on a cliffhanger and make reference to it in Part VII.

  15. Well, you could take over Velerc, at least for the rest of Part VI. Since I've already got stuff planned for Part VII, are you planning on having her survive?

  16. Ok, what's your idea?

  17. Say, have you ever considered writing a fic set in the same alternate timeline as The Sith Resurrection Series? I think you could pull that off pretty well.

  18. I was more talking about the text itself, not the effects. Also, keep in mind that she'd still be dressed in a professional manner (possibly something akin to the science uniforms in Mass Effect), and until Andorra's out of the hospital (let's say halfway between Parts VI and VII), they'd just be interested in each other, since I'm pretty sure a doctor being in relationship with her patient constitutes a conflict of interest. And how hard do you think it'll be for Part VII to be lighter, but scarier than Part VI?

  19. Have you watched the new text crawl yet? Also, with Lenatha, when you suggested she be a Twi'lek, I automatically thought her skin should be red (which is odd, since I'm much more fond of blue). What do you think?

  20. Well, due to certain geographical limitations, I'm forced to do the text crawl for Part VII this week, even though I don't know when Part VI will be done.

  21. Think you could post in DttS? With JM12 MIA, it's at a bit of a standstill.

  22. On the topic of The Sith Resurrection Part VII, how does A Glimmer of Hope sound as a title?

  23. Yeah, I tend to draw a lot of inspiration from it for The Sith Resurrection: Hethra Iazoki's last words are also the Fourth Doctor's last words, Virul's means of survival are good bit like those of the Master, I used David Tennant's likeness for that image of Komad, and for my current plan for Part VII, I'm using elements of Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead and The Waters of Mars, along with Death Troopers and Dead Space. And I used a picture of Matt Smith as the Doctor for Tim Lee's appearance in your RP The Eleventh Hour (which by pure coincidence, is also the name of his first full episode as the Doctor).

  24. How familiar are you with Doctor Who?

  25. Read my latest fic?

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