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Everything posted by Alkonium

  1. In DttS, do think it might work for Alriana, Garja, and Tavaryn to get Iyav and the other security personnel off Velerc's ship? I honestly can't think of any other way to get him out of that situation.

  2. Say, would you be interested in JediMaster12's RP Days of Fall: Call to Arms?

  3. Considering how Alliances Divided and The Threefold War had fairly dark endings, and Death to the Sith has been fairly dark throughout, I'm thinking it should end on a happier note. Your thoughts?

  4. How's this:


    Good, or too Jack Harkness-y?

  5. Maybe she means to steal a shuttle from the Star Destroyer and take it to the planet. You should probably ask her for some clarification.

  6. Also, I'm a bit unsure about what to do for his outfit. Any suggestions? I was considering a jumpsuit-type uniform, or something akin to Han Solo or Mal Reynold's outfits for after he escapes Velerc's ship.

  7. And if you're wondering why I decided to make him gay, and not bisexual, it was mainly to make Pahro's decision not to attempt to seduce him even more ironic.

  8. I'm currently considering using Josh Hartnett's likeness for a picture of Iyav, and since you created the character, I'd like your opinion. And if it helps, picture him making out with David Tennant, whose likeness I used for Komad.

  9. Still waiting for you to post in DttS.

  10. Say, interested at all in JediMaster12's new RP Days of Fall: Call to Arms, or The Doctor's new RP forum superobscura.proboards.com?

  11. Interested at all in JediMaster12's new RP Days of Fall: Call to Arms?

  12. So, going to post in DttS soon?

  13. CROWBAR TAG!!! <WHACK!> You're it! You know what? I'll give you a minute to stop bleeding.

  14. Would you be interested in joining JediMaster12's new RP Days of Fall: Call to Arms?

  15. Ok, I've got a pretty big move by Komad waiting for you in DttS.

  16. Yeah, though I was more referring to how Velerc will find out, not how he'll respond. It's not like Iyav will just name-drop in an attempt at intimidating Velerc. Maybe he could find out by interrogating all the prisoners, trying to find out who would be most useful as a bargaining chip?

  17. Ok, so I've pretty much got Iyav set up to get taken captive, but I'm still unsure about how Velerc will find out that he's Komad's "boyfriend". Any ideas?

  18. Since I've finished writing 2112 now, do you think you could change it from NSW-Fic to FIN NSW-Fic?

  19. Well, I'm done 2112 now.

  20. Want to check out my fic 2112? I've recently posted the second-last update.

  21. If you're interested, I've got the second-last part of 2112 posted now.

  22. I noticed you say that Velerc's on his way to the station, and I was thinking, would it work for him to somehow find out about Iyav and Komad's relationship, kidnap Iyav, and use him as a bargaining chip against Komad?

  23. Like how I brought Iyav back?

  24. I was planning on reintroducing Iyav in DttS, and I'm wondering if you've got any suggestions for how he should reveal his feelings to Komad.

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