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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. Mind taking a look at my Javyar's submission?

  2. Mind taking a look at my photoshop art in the Art Gallery?

  3. More couldn't hurt. If you've got any ideas, go for it.

  4. Most sources are saying Timothy Dalton will be playing some high ranking Time Lord, and John Simm will be reprising the role of The Master, but IMDB says both Dalton and Simm are playing The Master.

  5. My first character in Skyrim was a male Imperial named Augustus Rex (I went with that because it sounds both ridiculous and appropriate for an Imperial), and I can save time if you're specific in what else you want to know.

  6. My idea basically revolves around the discovery of another type of Mass Relay, which propels any ship that uses it not simply across the galaxy, but across the universe, and the RP would centre around an expedition team, called the Universe Expedition, sent by the Council to investigate this relay, which for this, I'll just call a Super Relay. But the Universe Expedition discovers that while the galaxy they've arrived in has its own Mass Relay network, there's no Super Relay leading directly back to the Milky Way. Completely cut off from the Citadel, their only hope in returning home is to scour countless galaxies in hopes of finding a Relay leading back to the Milky Way. Have I got your attention?

  7. My own Photoshop of Summer Glau, based on a character from an RP series I'm been running here for the past five years. She's supposed to be Half Rodian, One Quarter Twi'lek, and one Quarter Human.

  8. My Sith Resurrection Series has zombies now.

  9. Never onscreen, but it's generally accepted that he's the one who fought in the Time War, and he regenerated in the end. Plus in the Audio Dramas.

  10. Next time you post in the RP, remember that Cyborg Ninja's character is about to kidnap the governor stealthily. It might also be a good idea to have Andorra interact with Kalla in some way soon.

  11. No problem. If you ever change your mind about playing her in the RP, just let me know. There's still quite a bit of stuff to come.

  12. No, but if he doesn't respond in three days, Dar's yours.

  13. No, did she add you to her friends list?

  14. No, he was just abandoned on Setna, and I implied that he'll probably get off somehow.

  15. No, it's fine. Again, should be interesting. The galaxy has changed a lot since then.

  16. No, my guess is VarsityPuppet will. JM12 is typically on around midday-early afternoon central time.

  17. No, she hasn't been on, but it's normal for her to not be on during weekends. So I'm hoping for Monday.

  18. No, she logged off. Considering my Yahoo ID is alkonium343, she knew who I was pretty quickly.

  19. No, that's good.

  20. No, that's not until Part VI that Virul is actually destroyed.

  21. No, you can just do what you like with that.

  22. Not bad. Say, would you be interested in joining my RP Star Wars: The Sith Resurrection Part V: The Threefold War? We could do with more people after one officially pulled out, another got banned, and two more haven't posted in a while.

  23. Not excessively long, but I do want Inferna to give Varith a run for his money before he defeats her.

  24. Not getting a response, but yes.

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