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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. Ok, I'm working on Andorra now, and since I have to build Chetyrnadstat (did I spell that right), I just want to be sure about what type of sword it is. Would you prefer a Katana, a longsword, or something else? And for the background planet, would Kashyyyk work?

  2. Ok, I've finally made that picture of Durrel, if you're interested.

  3. Ok, I've got a pretty big move by Komad waiting for you in DttS.

  4. Ok, I've got it rendering. It should be up on my YouTube channel tomorrow. You know how to embed it in a thread, right?

  5. Ok, I've got the Casting Call for The Sith Resurrection Part VII up now.

  6. Ok, if you're still having computer problems, I wrote in a way around it in A Glimmer of Hope.

  7. Ok, in my two RP's, we've gotten to some important stuff. Mainly, in A Glimmer of Hope, Kalla, Tonatius, Andorra, and Lenatha have just about made it to the labs, and in Nirriven, the group is setting off for the Barinor of Nerith, in hopes of persuading Barin Lingion to aid in the defense of Thunderkeep. Think you could start posting again?

  8. Ok, it should be easy to figure out what's going on in A Glimmer of Hope now. My latest post should explain most of the current situation. Also, I'm in control of Lenatha for the time being, so that shouldn't be a problem.

  9. Ok, my thought was basically to combine classic High Fantasy with modern technology. Basically, a blending of hi-tech and arcane. Forgotten Realms meets James Bond, if you will. What do you think? And keep in mind, all I've got is a basic idea for a setting, no actual details or story ideas.

  10. Ok, Part V isn't over, but the Casting Call for Part VI is up now!

  11. Ok, Part VI has started!

  12. Ok, Part VI is up!

  13. Ok, replied. I hope I can actually get back into it and finish the RP.

  14. Ok, so depending what input I get from people, I may be posting the Casting Call for A Glimmer of Hope tonight. Have you got anything in mind yet?

  15. Ok, so due to your absence, Chev was force to write Velerc out of DttS. However, he did so in such a way that he could return in Part VII, and while Part VI isn't quite done yet, the Casting Call for Part VII is up now.

  16. Ok, so from here on out, I'm leaving what happens between Lenatha and Andorra between you and Tysy. Also, I'm planning on having the Republic send a team to investigate Geonosis once the Cygnus bit is done, which should be soon, and I figured it would make sense for Lenatha to be on that team.

  17. Ok, so I decided to change how Virul is destroyed, but it still works, right?

  18. Ok, so I've got Kalla talking to Lenatha in my latest post in The Eleventh Hour, if you want to respond.

  19. Ok, so I've pretty much got Iyav set up to get taken captive, but I'm still unsure about how Velerc will find out that he's Komad's "boyfriend". Any ideas?

  20. Ok, so in A Glimmer of Hope, Kalla, Tonatius, Andorra, and Lenatha have finally met Darth Pestilus, if you want to come back for that.

  21. Ok, so my current plan is to have the group leave the planet after Jun-la defeats the Blood King, and then fast-forward to what I like to call the "epilogue", which involves Andorra waking up in a hospital on Coruscant, with Kalla and Tonatius at her bedside, at which point Shana introduces Lenatha. Something sort of like how Komad and Greea visited Dar in prison at the end of Part II. What do you think?

  22. Ok, so Tysy isn't interesting in taking the part of Irene.

  23. Ok, so Writer agreed to fill in for Shana, and Shana's fine with that.

  24. Ok, thanks. Be sure to tell her that the only reason I didn't speak to her myself is because of technical issues with Yahoo Messenger.

  25. Ok, the Casting Call for Mass Effect: Universe is up!

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