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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. Ok, the Casting Call for Part VII is up.

  2. Ok, the Casting Call's up for the Sith Resurrection Part V, so when you're ready, go ahead and post.

  3. Ok, the Casting Call's up. The title is Nirriven: Divided We Fall.

  4. Ok, the Casting Call's up.

  5. Ok, the governor's been kidnapped, and Kalla's interacting directly with Andorra now, so I'm waiting for you to respond.

  6. Ok, the team's on Geonosis now in A Glimmer of Hope.

  7. Ok, the titles is Nirriven: Divided We Fall, and the Casting Call is up now.

  8. Ok, we're at the hospital scene now in DttS. Ready?

  9. Ok, we've finally gotten to the part in A Glimmer of Hope when Darth Pestilus is try to turn the group against each other. Do you want to rejoin for it?

  10. Ok, well, all I've really got planned is that it begins with the Avalon system getting devastated by the Undying Sith Empire, and probably at the end, they manage to seize Coruscant from the Republic. Not much else is really concrete, but another thing is that the Jedi Order, which is falling out of favour with the Senate, is forced into an uneasy alliance with Echelon 5, a secret organisation within the Republic, similar to Section 31 in Star Trek, or Cerberus in Mass Effect.

  11. Ok, what's your idea?

  12. Ok, yeah, good idea.

  13. On an unrelated note, I recently had an awesome idea for a Mass Effect RP. Now, how much do you know about Stargate Universe?

  14. On an unrelated note, think you'll ever finish your Mass Effect fic?

  15. On another topic, how are you liking RPing in my series?

  16. On second thought, I'll do it!

  17. On second thought, I'll have Kalla suggest it once she and Tonatius are back with the fleet.

  18. On second thought, I'll let you have that honour.

  19. On second thought, maybe it might also work for Kalla and Reyvan to be on the scout ship instead.

  20. On the free version's beta, Lamannia is the only server, so that one.

  21. On the other hand, genuine surprise can help with writing this sort of thing, even if lose some dramatic irony.

  22. On the topic of Fugitives, I enjoyed it too. A little more PG-13 (or even R) than I'm used to in RPs, and definitely not my typical character, though certainly influential.

  23. On the topic of The Sith Resurrection Part VII, how does A Glimmer of Hope sound as a title?

  24. One other thing, the RP is set in 113 ABY, so you'd need to adjust either his date of birth or his age.

  25. Or, you could rejoin the group, and put them back yourself. Being in the group doesn't obligate you to be in the RP, you know.

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