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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. Well, what do think so far?

  2. Well, what would Wrath be up to while Andirrul, Tyrannus, and the Blood King are waiting to arrive? And who would he want to be in complete control of Andorra's body? And if the Republic Troops are trying to land on the planet, wouldn't Kurt be with them?

  3. Well, which of my characters would you want to take over for then?

  4. Well, you could always subscribe to my ProfDangerDrSafety channel in return. Next time I'm home from residence, we'll be wrecking a bread machine, a digital camera, and possibly an old computer.

  5. Well, you could always subscribe to my ProfDangerDrSafety channel in return. Next time I'm home from residence, we'll be wrecking a bread machine, a digital camera, and possibly an old computer. Also, what do you think of my introducing a Cerberus-type organisation to my RP series?

  6. Well, you could read over the old RP's to get some idea for something that will fit.

  7. Well, you could read over the RP's to get some ideas. Although, if you've got no problem with playing a lesbian, there is a character I was hoping to pawn off to someone. If you're interested, I'll tell you more.

  8. Well, you could take over Velerc, at least for the rest of Part VI. Since I've already got stuff planned for Part VII, are you planning on having her survive?

  9. Well, you did say that Wrath had grown to respect Andorra, so yeah, I like the sound of that.

  10. Well, you did write a similar scene in The Threefold War with Kalla and Andorra in which they were both naked, and while I had control of Andorra I had written a scene where Andorra ends up looking up Kalla's "skirt", and at one point I had implied that they had sex, so that'd be nothing new. I know you said you might have a thing for me if you were closer to my age, but I still feel compelled to ask if you swing that way in real life. Also, how in Fugitives is Tysy going to deal with the tension between Niera and Juhani?

  11. Well, you should really talk to CQ about this, not me.

  12. What do you have in mind? What site are you referring to?

  13. What do you think about that addition I made to Nirriven's Lore in my last post?

  14. What do you think about what Komad just suggested about Andirrul? And does that bit of backstory I threw in for Iyav work?

  15. What do you think of my modifications to your HeroMachine Art?

  16. What I was getting at was that we could play off that a bit in how they interact.

  17. What should I do with Garren now in Counterplay?

  18. What should we do about Irene? MutantMix hasn't been on in nearly a month?

  19. What would I need to know in order to seriously get back into Purge? On an unrelated note, what do you think of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and the whole "Brony" phenomenon?

  20. What would you say to Velerc working with Darth Pestilus and his new faction against Beroc and what remains of the New Empire in Part VIII?

  21. What would you think of Kalla and Tonatius' second son being named Jaden?

  22. What would you think of Kalla going with Alriana to rescue Varith's daughter? I've been trying to think of something for her to do since she's not going on the mission to Dagobah.

  23. What? I did turn myself into a catguy once. That's something Elliot did. Plus I take an "if it happens, it happens" approach to getting TGed. That has to count for something. Also, Jeremy's not technically a cat. I like to use the term "Hedgecat"

  24. What's this LDR's saying about an "epic jump-in"?

  25. What's your avatar image from? It looks familiar.

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