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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. Also, I'm a bit unsure about what to do for his outfit. Any suggestions? I was considering a jumpsuit-type uniform, or something akin to Han Solo or Mal Reynold's outfits for after he escapes Velerc's ship.

  2. Also, I'm planning on it beginning with the Undying Sith Empire attacking Avalon itself. Any objections? I figured something like that would hit pretty close to home for a lot of characters.

  3. Also, if it helps, check my HeroMachine art of Andorra. She's an Avalonian.

  4. Also, if you ever want back into the RP, just let me know and Andorra's yours again.

  5. Also, Komad and Virul are facing off in the RP now, so if Andorra wants to kill Virul, now's the time.

  6. Also, new Sith Resurrection picture up. Take a look.

  7. Also, on that topic, I was thinking of giving Part VIII the title Wrath of the Empire, and giving Part IX the title The Eleventh Hour. What do you think?

  8. Also, Part VI will probably be starting sometime tomorrow (maybe noon central time).

  9. Also, since you know that the text crawl for Part VI mentions Republic Scout Ships in New Imperial Space, do you think it would work for Alriana to be found by one of them?

  10. Also, there's a certain character in my RP that I've been trying to pawn off for months. Interested?

  11. And are you really sure you want to quit Fugitives? If you do, I won't be able to write that sexy bath scene.

  12. And as for how Garren died, let's just say bringing down Skelch was a costly success.

  13. And before you ask, Garren is Niera's boyfriend, but not only would he have not minded, he'd have joined them if he was on the Millennial.

  14. And feel free to come up with any other characters, if you like.

  15. And I assume Wrath will be back for The Sith Resurrection Part VIII?

  16. And I should warn you, after I wrote a visitor message on Tysy's profile while drunk, she may be planning a scene in Part VII in which Andorra gets well, drunk.

  17. And if I remember correctly, Andorra was born in 89 ABY, making her roughly 21 in DttS and AGoH

  18. And if you want to have Captain Thek executed, go ahead.

  19. And if you're wondering why I decided to make him gay, and not bisexual, it was mainly to make Pahro's decision not to attempt to seduce him even more ironic.

  20. And naturally, the title I have in mind is Mass Effect: Universe. How does that sound?

  21. And the casting call is up now.

  22. And the crawl for Part III could be up as early as tomorrow morning.

  23. And what about that Mass Effect RP I mentioned. It's called Mass Effect: Universe if you're interested.

  24. And what do you know? It's entirely your fault.

  25. And what do you think of the more recent photoshop versions?

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