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Why does Elite Force 2 look better?


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What I have seen so far from the screenshots, raven did a much better job with the graphics of Elite Force 2 than with JK3. Maybe it's because they used the same (I know its all the Q3 engine, but I mean not altered) engine for the game, whereas they altered it very much for STEF2 because STVEF1 was pretty old...

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Actually, having played Elite Force 2, and after seeing screenshots and videos from Jedi Academy, I'm confident that Raven has equalled Ritual's excellent graphics. That was my 'bar' ... if they met the graphics from Elite Force 2, while doing everything else they were planning, it would be quite an achievement.


I think they've done it ... but we won't know for two weeks.



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Elite Force II did look nice...they did some nice work considering it's still the Q3 engine underneath.


From the most recent screenshots that were released, I think JA looks every bit as good. The lighting is particularly nice in some of those screenshots, and the details are crisper. With all the changes they've made since JO was released (increasing the complexity of model details etc.), I think JA is going to look great in action.



As for the comment about girl skins...I'm pretty sick and tired of seeing half-dressed females in a lot of games. It's not really necessary, and just panders to raging hormones, IMHO. I'd prefer to see some really stylish clothing, for both male and female characters.

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There are actually different iterations of the Q3 engine. EF2 used the same as the heavily modified one that was used in MOHAA. JA uses the RtCW version of the Q3 engine. Technically JA's is the most advanced, as it has rudimentary ragdoll physics, dynamic lightsaber lighting, character customization and "bolt-on" technology, and a more sophisticated version of the ARIOCHE terrain system used in SOF2, which I must say was the crappiest version of the Q3 engine. It must have just been bad coding. The game doesn't look that great nowadays, my PC is far more advanced than anything that was out when SOF2 was new, and SOF2 still lags, chugs, freezes and sometimes even crashes on my PC, even when though no other game does. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Master William

They always make females look so damn half naked and still the guys are completely dressed on... They should ask girls what they like and make the characters look like that :D



Well, the majority of gamers are male, so it makes sense to appeal to male gamers...


Besides, if the majority of teenage guys and girls got what they wanted in the game, it'd be full of pron, and that would be very nasty indeed.

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Originally posted by boinga1

Well, the majority of gamers are male, so it makes sense to appeal to male gamers...


That's not really good thinking. The majority of car thieves, rapists, murderers, and hoodlums in general simply tend to be black or hispanic...and yet I can't think of a single black or hispanic person that isn't enraged by racial profiling.

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That's not really good thinking. The majority of car thieves, rapists, murderers, and hoodlums in general simply tend to be black or hispanic...and yet I can't think of a single black or hispanic person that isn't enraged by racial profiling.


Yes, but vidoe game conpanies aren't concerned with morals...they want to appeal to the maximun number of gamers, which are, simply, guys. Why? So they get more money, of course!



Sigh, I give up about what I discussed in the first place. Too many simpletons


I don't think so. Too many realists..companies want cash=appeal to male gamers. Very simple.

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Originally posted by StormHammer

As for the comment about girl skins...I'm pretty sick and tired of seeing half-dressed females in a lot of games. It's not really necessary, and just panders to raging hormones, IMHO. I'd prefer to see some really stylish clothing, for both male and female characters.

I agree! Even though the female outfits do attract the guys ;) it wouldn't hurt to put some more variety in for both Male and Female characters. If I'm going to be tearing it up with my saber, I want to be fighting in Style! :D

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Sex appeal or not, I still would rather see a female in a combat game wearing an outfit that actually makes SENSE (rather than a super tight catsuit that would split in half the instant she did any kind of acrobatic move or a Britney Spears-esque outfit like that gal in Unreal 2).



Some of those Twi-Lek outfits seem more appropriate to the "Baywatch Mod" for JA. ; ) *


I think this was a brainbug on the part of Lucas (sort of like his having the Tatooine Desert robes that Obi-Wan wore in ANH to be the Jedi uniform), because the female Twi-Lek's we saw in the movies (except the one Jedi in AOTC) were all exotic dancers.. and so wearing those outfits would make sense for them. Notice that Bib Fortuna, who was Jabba's majordomo didn't wear anything so skimpy (thank goodness).






*Hmm... Galak Fyar looks kind of like David Hasselhoff, perhaps this IS a good mod idea... you could save people from sharks and run along the beach and try to get a tan...

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...The majority of car thieves, rapists, murderers, and hoodlums in general simply tend to be black or hispanic...


Perhaps that belongs in the Senate Chambers, but suffice to say, at least in the US, there are more non-blacks and non-hispanics that commit crimes overall. What some statistical studies show is that a disproportionate number of convicts on death row are black, which may or may not show racism in sentencing (this is an ongoing debate about the death penalty and how its applied).


When you watch shows like "Cops" and just about every guy on there is non-White, what they don't say is that usually they are filming in areas where the majority of the population is non-white, so of course you'll see more criminals that are non-white (though there is always the odd white guy on there.. usually shirtless, mullet wearing, stereotypical "trailer trash"). Anyway, sorry to digress....

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"Notice that Bib Fortuna, who was Jabba's majordomo didn't wear anything so skimpy (thank goodness). "



!!! That is the most hilarious thing I've heard all day...


Anyway; I agree that female (and male) characters should wear apropriate clothing for what they're doing... it's fine for a twi'lek dancers in a seedy hideout like Jabaa's palace. But it makes little sense for actual combat (or anything else for that matter). Look at all the female jedis in the prequals.


However, I'm pretty sure that there will be some more substantial outfits available for female gamers, and that the actual character models wearing them won't be anymore offensive than the male character models alone.

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