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Now that we've had a chance to try the Concussion Rifle, what do you think?


What do you think of the new Concussion Rifle so far?  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of the new Concussion Rifle so far?

    • Great, perfect, couldn't be better!
    • A respectable successor to the elegant weapon of a Mercenary...
    • They better tweak it some more, especially for MP...
    • Terrible, they have ruined it!! :*(

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Originally posted by WhiteShdw

I like it. It has good splash damage and it's a whole lot faster than those damn rockets. This will probably be the weapon of choice for any would be Jedi killer.


One thing did leave me puzzled. I managed to kill some cultist with the Rifle(even a saber wielding one), but a reborn will somehow reflect the blast right back at me, killing me instantly. I wonder if this is possible in Mp, because I never managed to reflect the shots myself in SP. I usually died after the first shot :).


It's called Force push, just so ya know...

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To be honest, it scares me :eek:

Its extremly exagerated in my opinion, because it makes a great damage but it also has a great speed. If you look well its the best weapon in the game.

Compare it to the pistol, what advantage has the pistol to the conc rifle? More repetition. Does it balances? No. So why bothering chosing other weapon when its prefectly better then the restant others?


In my opinion the damage should stay but the projectil should be slower not slower or as slow as the rocket but more a little bit slower then as it is. I can push them away i did it without the force speed but it is very hard you have to push it away at the time its fired (if you are at least 40 fts close).

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I am not that impressed with the new Conc. it pales in comparison to the jk1 version. The weapon model is rather ugly, to be honest, but I do like the appearance of the weapon discharge, particularly the secondary which as someone said is reminiscent of UT's shock rifle.


Also, the ammo consumption, like ALL the other decent weapons it is set WAY too high. If the ammo consumption is the same in multi-player as it currently is in singe-player then it will be simply dreadful. Unless levels are extremely generous with the amount of ammo pickups, which I seriously doubt they will be.


Only changes I'd like to see for the Conc. are: Allow the secondary fire to act as a means for 'rocket-jumping', and to dramatically reduce ammo-cost, perhaps similar ammo-costs to jk1 which were much better than jk2's.

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I've played around with the C. Rifle for a bit, and while I like the ammo/recoil/rof tradeoff for the damage it does, it won't be a jedi killer if:


1.) a jedi invests points in push


2.) MP has an accurate force push deflection system, unlike base JKII


I noticed also that if a bolt from the rifle is shot out, and it is pushed back only to hit you dead on, you're screwed.

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I disagree. High ammo consumption may be detremental in singleplayer, but I think it's a different case in MP.

The high damage + instant speed on the Conc Rifle already give it a huge advantage against saberists. A couple of shots take you down and unless you have exceptional reflexes, you can't push it back. I would go so far as to increase the ammo consumption, allowing for around 10 shots on a full clip. This would allow the saberist to, if he were skilled enough, evade the blasts and throw a saber or slice and dice the gunner.


Anyways, just my two cents.

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Raven shouldn't attempt to balance Guns with Sabers, it will be detrimental to the overall game. Look at jk1, are Guns balanced with Sabers? Not even close, did that make jk1 a bad game? No it didn't. Jk2 weapons were good, but they had a weak feel about them, mostly due to the scarcity of ammo, this somewhat ruined Guns from what it could have been, all in the name of 'balance'.


Plus, how many people play Guns AND Sabers together? It's all either Sabers-only or All weapons, and people rarely use Sabers to attack in All weapons games. What's wrong with that? Trying to balance a Gun against Sabers pretty much ruins the Guns.

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Perhaps, but I think an overall balance is possible. Besides, if you spend hours learning every facet of saber combat then get owned by some guy who just started playing the game 5 mins ago, how fun is that? I'm not saying guns have to be nerfed, but if they are going to be high damage (i.e. 1 hit kill) then they should be harder to aim or have higher ammo consumption.


You said that an unbalanced game is good? Bulls**t. Look at JK2 MP. People runnin' round just spamming the DFA or yellow special or whatever. Sure some of the time you may have been able to get a good game going, but mostly it was spammers.

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I like the new Conc...although the first time I got hit with it, I wondered what on earth was going on. I would have preferred the old sound effects - then I would have instantly recognised it.


As it is...it seems very fast, and I haven't been fast enough to use push against it so far. You really need to be at a fair distance, and facing the conc. wielder to have a chance against it.


In SP that's okay...but I think it might need a little tweaking in MP. I'm glad it uses a lot of ammo - it helps to balance it out.


Anyway, as stated above, the effects are good, and it's quite effective, so I'm happy with it. :)

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Originally posted by Sir Wolfbiter

You said that an unbalanced game is good? Bulls**t. Look at JK2 MP. People runnin' round just spamming the DFA or yellow special or whatever. Sure some of the time you may have been able to get a good game going, but mostly it was spammers.

I just said an unbalanced game is good? No, I said trying to balance Sabers WITH Guns is a bad idea because it can't be done without making the Guns weak which is not good obviously.


Oh and btw, people spam special moves? Yeah, who cares? People play the game how they want, and to be honest, if they spam special moves they are going to get raped into submission by anyone with an ounce of talent. If you don't like 'spammers' don't play online games, because as with any game a lot of people will spam whatever move they believe to be most effective, whether or not it is effective is beside the point, but a lot of people will never stop spamming what works for *them*.

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Originally posted by StormHammer

I like the new Conc...although the first time I got hit with it, I wondered what on earth was going on. I would have preferred the old sound effects - then I would have instantly recognised it.


As it is...it seems very fast, and I haven't been fast enough to use push against it so far. You really need to be at a fair distance, and facing the conc. wielder to have a chance against it.


In SP that's okay...but I think it might need a little tweaking in MP. I'm glad it uses a lot of ammo - it helps to balance it out.


Anyway, as stated above, the effects are good, and it's quite effective, so I'm happy with it. :)

acually using secondary fire uses 50 ammo "points" so the most you can get is 4 shots with a full clip and the primary can be pushed, so i don't bother with that except from behind let me say IMO the ammo useage is ethir WAY WAY TO HIGH or the maximum ammo that gun can hold is WAY WAY WAY TOO LOW!

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Well, I can tell you I'll use it in MP.

Don't think I'll use the secondary much though as it more tosses people around than kill them. And eats 10 more ammo. What is the ammunition it uses called BTW?


I like it, but the sound in JK1 was better. If you want to hear for yourself and don't have the full version, download the demo (can be found anywhere, roughly 20 megs), start an MP game, find it and fire away.


"Chewwwwww!!" *sound of bones breaking*

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