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Blasters & other special items


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coolest, it depends what ya want by coolest, for me rof (rate of fire) is hella cool for me


I have a scout blaster, the rof is 1.7, thats stock, and the max dam is 151


that lil pistol rips up


the best part bout scout pistols are, if you get a low rof one, like 1.7, get is speed sliced, and get master pistoleer...you can seriously tear some **** up


but looks?

2 words


Jawa Blaster

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There's a way to find out if your blaster is better than the one you think of buying.


(MaxDmg + MinDmg / 2) / Speed = DPS (Damage Per Second)


So a blaster that has 45 MinDmg, 151 MaxDmg, and speed of 1.9, the formula would look like this:


(45 + 151 / 2) / 1.9 = 51,5 DPS



Mine is a FWG5, with 52 DPS, and Wraith here has one that does 55 DPS (both rounded off downwards)

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the 1.4 is the time it needs for a new shot.. new action or what ever.. like i use body shot... it takes 1.4 seconds to fire then new body shot...


if you have a rifle you will notice it takes time between the shots to fire... a long time...


well with pistols they can be reduced to a second almost... but with lesser damage a rifle can :)

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Um, well, I guess I should let you know what I'm carying.....



Min Damage: 80 (I know it's in the 80's but I don't know exact)

Max Damage: 218

Attack Speed: 2.1

Special Cost: 18/27/19


This is post slice and damage jumps to about 270-280 with a good coupler powerup. :D


Using Jan's formula:


(218 + 80 / 2) / 2.1= 70.95 DPS


Seeing that, perhaps a power-up for speed might help more than the couplers I've been using.


Just so you all know, this was a VERY expensive pistol. 27,000 credits to be exact. Worth every penny.


When choosing a weapon, take into account it's damage type. FWGs cause heat damage, while most others cause enrgy damage. Most PvPers prepare for energy, even though FWG5's are becoming more popular to take advatage of guys wearing Bone Armor for PvP.

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If you are going to use that the dps formula you have to keep in mind about your pistol spd + attributes. I believe for every +10 to pistol spd is a .1 spd increase. So if you have a pistol with 2.0 but have +100 pistol spd it would attack at 1.0 spd which is the fastest a pistol can attcak. I may be wrong on this, please correct me if I am. This is what I have been understanding from other posts.


For a black pistol, DX2

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Originally posted by jarstult

If you are going to use that the dps formula you have to keep in mind about your pistol spd + attributes. I believe for every +10 to pistol spd is a .1 spd increase. So if you have a pistol with 2.0 but have +100 pistol spd it would attack at 1.0 spd which is the fastest a pistol can attcak. I may be wrong on this, please correct me if I am. This is what I have been understanding from other posts.


For a black pistol, DX2


That's right Jarstult, if i had a 2.0 speed scatter then it would fire at 1.0 due to my 100 + speed bonus. :)

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Originally posted by jarstult

If you are going to use that the dps formula you have to keep in mind about your pistol spd + attributes. I believe for every +10 to pistol spd is a .1 spd increase. So if you have a pistol with 2.0 but have +100 pistol spd it would attack at 1.0 spd which is the fastest a pistol can attcak. I may be wrong on this, please correct me if I am. This is what I have been understanding from other posts.


For a black pistol, DX2

You don't have to consider that, as that changes from person to person. :)

All you need to know is that formula to find out if the weapon you want to buy is better than the one you already have. :)

That's the whole point with it. ;)

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Lady Valarian and her two assistants are in the Lucky Depspot in Mos Eisley. Be warned when you walk through the door to her room... you may be frightened! I though Lady Valarian was a normal human... turns out she ways about a ton and is a cross between a gurk and a snorbal


Lady Val is a Whiphid and she probably hates me I work for Jabba exclusively! :fett:

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