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Which move are you addicted to?

Maverick Knight

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Siggeman: Not really. The ground attack depends on location moreso than the controls. I've accidentally used that attack several times because I was too close to a knocked over enemy. I've also executed that move without using the jump button. I did however try to script it and yes, its possible to put the commands to a single button, but it doesnt make the move any easier. It's just like real estate: location location location.


If you're in the wrong spot when you use the command to do the ground attacks, you'll go into a butterfly, dfa, or some other stance's move.


Talliusc: You are absolutley right! The Fast stance Force Pull Impale is the most effective/deadly saber move. You dont even have to succeed at the Pull for it to work and the computer rarely blocks it. I'd walk right up to the Reborn and use that move. They raise a hand to block the Pull and die from my saber through their gut.

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Yep, love the single light stance pull stab move. It's funny walking up to cultists "you can't beat me Jedi" then sticking them through and killing them in a instant. Works even better if you activate rage right before you do it.


I got a feeling it's not gonna be in multiplayer. It would be be spammed worse than the backsweep in 1.02 JO.

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I really like the side-to-side and front-to-back stabs with dual sabers... Rarely get the chance to do it (like the staff kicks in the same directions) but they look cool. And the cartwheel is nice too, even though I've rarely killed anyone with it...


Sticking to the wall, roling and impaling an enemy looks nice, but it's hard to get it perfect.

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not a "style" per say, but I love this:


when you do a normal strike with the staff, then strafe+strike you sometimes get a "spinning" strike. basically, you attack then strafe and attack at just the right moment (just before the strike animation is complete) and you "spin" in place while spinning the staff over you head.




kinda hard to pull off regularly, and it doesn't really "do" anything, but i love it

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I'm with Chuahtemoc, I don't use a particular move more than anything else. I find it satisfying when they say "You can't beat me, jedi." and I kill them them with a single slash (with any stance, the upwards diagonal slash works wonders), it looks cool when I jump over their heads and saber them with the backflip attack, it's quick and easy to do a force pull impale/slash or pulling them down and doing the ground attack.


It's all good.

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

Grip. Turn. Release. :D


BTW - wtf is with all the scripting?!


Do it yourself.


Grip turn release?

BTW - wtf is with all the laming?!

Kill them yourself.


I tried scripting the ground stab because everytime I tried to use it I'd go into a butterfly dfa or some other attack. That ground attack doesn't work as fluently as it should.


As for your general whining about scripting, I'd like to quote....you.


Only losers whine. Don't be a loser.

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