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New Stormtroopers? *Spoilers*


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God those guys are huge!


Here's what starwars.com says about Zero-G Stormtroopers http://starwars.com/databank/organization/spacetroopers/eu.html


Here's what starwars.com says about Dark troopers http://starwars.com/databank/droid/darktroopers/eu.html


After opening the assets0.pk3 file in the demo, there is an NPC file for a "Hazardtrooper" that uses the concussion rifle, so they might be called "Hazardtroopers" in JA.

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One thing's for sure, those guys are freaking huge. But i think they are droids, look how big they are compared to the rodian, no human could fit in that snugly enough to be able to move his arms without controls. Its either a droid-trooper, or a mech with a gun inside operating controls.

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Well the Zero G Spacetroopers use powered armor and they're supposed to be able to take on capital ships (in large enough numbers).


But I never realized they were THAT big. In the shots on the official site they don't look so huge... I guess they were farther away?

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As I pointed out with the first space trooper pic (from the LA site) they also have the familiar breathmasks and air hoses you'd associated with a human in a suit (aka: Tie Pilots, AT AT Drivers, Stormtroopers, etc).


Dark Troopers are powered shells that can hold humans or droids, but these to me look more like the Space Troopers.


The thing is, the two times we've seen them, they are on the ground. Spacetroopers are supposedly to be plodding on land and would make easy targets.


Perhaps you are taking them out before they can get into space to wreck havoc on somebody's ship?

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Now that I compare the pics of the Spacetrooper/Zero G Stormtrooper (from the SW site) and that screenshot from the thread starter, it looks like all they did was change the face texture, tint (the SW site one looks more blue/purple, this one looks more gray/silver) and add air hoses going from the backpack to the faceplate.


The thing that throws me is the name.. "Hazard Trooper."


That seems to imply "Hazard Suit" you know like bio-containment.


But the thing is, regular Stormtrooper armor is completely sealed, and would be fine for handling various hazards for short periods of time. You wouldn't need bulky gear like this, whereas for the Space Trooper you need extra armor, jet packs, magnetic boots, etc stuff like that, so it makes sense to have it all bulked up and powered like that.


Even according to the EU, "Radtroopers" (Radiation Troopers) have armor that is more or less the same size and bulk of regular troopers, just more insulated and have filtering apperatus and gieger counters to check radiation and other hazardous chemical levels for safety.


If they meant like "Hazard Team" (these ARE the same people who made Elite Force after all...) they don't seem well suited for ground combat. I mean are these guys super agile or something? I would think that regular Stormtroopers would be better suited to that task, even if they are cannon fodder.. at least they could manuver better and use more equipment.


Maybe they are designed to go toe to toe with walkers? (of course we have never seen a New Republic walker).


The air hoses make sense if there's a human (or humanoid) inside that needs air. Agreed.


The Concussion Rifle is a nice touch, although remember we've seen regular guys in blaster-resistant armor carrying Concussion Rifles, so its not like the weapon is so heavy they need powered armor to carry it (unless those Mercs are hopped up on steroids or something). ; )


It could be that these are a "made up" new kind of Troopers, as the Swamptroopers and ShadowTroopers in JK2 were, or perhaps not....

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Originally posted by TiBo

One thing's for sure, those guys are freaking huge. But i think they are droids, look how big they are compared to the rodian, no human could fit in that snugly enough to be able to move his arms without controls. Its either a droid-trooper, or a mech with a gun inside operating controls.


interesting thought, however...


anyone play the entire Jedi Knight and Dark Forces series? don't you remember the Darktroopers looking exactly like that? So i think this is the next generation/next version after the costly darktrooper program went nuder at the hands of Katarn right before he whooped Jerec's ass.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

If they meant like "Hazard Team" (these ARE the same people who made Elite Force after all...) they don't seem well suited for ground combat. I mean are these guys super agile or something? I would think that regular Stormtroopers would be better suited to that task, even if they are cannon fodder.. at least they could manuver better and use more equipment.


I think the Hazard troopers could very well be these guys.


Designed to fight under extremely hazardous conditions (zero-g more than qualifies for that in itself) and capable of boarding a capital ship with a minimum of man-power, these guys are up to the task.


In tight corridors, you don't need mobility, but you do need firepower, excessive armour and life support systems.


On an open field, these dudes would get ripped to pieces - can't take advantage of terrain, big-ass targets and their firepower is easily countered by stationary gun batteries and tanks.


On the other hand, in hazardous terrain, proper protection is more important than agility and they deliver in this department.

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whoa. interesting revelation just i had--


damnit i need to stop talking like yoda.


:p no for real i just thought of something. would the disruptor rifle, fully charged, anomalate the particles from the armor in the suit, and therefore, either disintegrate the suit, or, fry everything including the human inside(its unlikely that they're not human, the empire was intensely racist--not jking)?

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