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A serious review of MP problems (no flames please)

the weiner dog!

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Fuc-king cowards.

Syn, you are a real faggot. :animelol:

You, rumor and the other guy.


Do you all really feel that good posting your crapy ideas that arent that diferent from the rest. :tsk:


The same shat all over again, JA needs to be fixed, a patche must be realeased, MP sux, we ctf competitive players (rofl), all that over and over.

Post after post talking crap. :disaprove


I am sick of sisy losers like you all (rumor, diverse, and all those pussy who suported them).

I am going to sleep. :vamp1:


By the way which version of JO are you playing now, or you played (if you dont play it anymore)?

Cause i havent heard in my life a clan called diverse.

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Good Flame. Completely unconstructive and no counter arguements.

btw, you really must be new to ctf if you haven't heard of diverse.


The competetive community (of which s/o ctf was and still is the biggest, and is the only active community left in JO) has asked for a toggleable kick patch. Its very well saying 'casual gamers' don't want it (its toggleable, so they won't have it) but its the competetive communi9ty that keeps the game active 6-7 months after release. Dark Wader won't be too chuffed after spending $30 in 6 months time when only a few 'casual gamers' are on a server at a time.


JA mp needs a collision fix and a combo restriction I would say, but apart from that its fine.

s/o ctf needs a way to stop / slow the fc. No matter how well you learn the new saber swings, no matter how powerful they are, they're all completely pointless in you can't stop the fc. JA has no ways of doing this.

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thos that say sabers dont do enough damage.... lol do a downward hack in red slash on the back of someone's head some time.:rolleyes:


Drain... probably is an opportunity for lameness, however it would be better if it could only be used when you have 50 force or more... no problem there. (personally i think it should only drain 50% of the victims force)


Roll stab... lol, enter the new 1.02 DFA/ 1.03 backstab. I reckon 50 force for this move after all it's a one hit kill 90% of the time.


BTW:- make yellow overhead useful please, it's nigh on impossible to land a hit with it, no matter where the opponent is.



I play duel so these comments are irrelevant to FFA CTF or any of teh other "chaos" gamemodes.

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Can it. No more flames from you or you'll end up on Matt Windu's ignore list. And everybody shares his ignore list.




Harsh language isn't going to get your point across either - I'd advise you to stop right now before Kurgan comes in, sees this mess of a thread and locks it.


And all you people who are saying "Raven did a good job this, Raven is this and that, blah blah blah!" Open your eyes. This games main focus is holding down Attack1 and Alt attack.


That's bullsh*t. The exact same could be said about JO the first few weeks it came out. And guess what - the exact same was said about JO.


No combos, specials with force


So because you can't think of any, must of course mean there are none whatsoever?


how are you going to kill your opponent (providing that you want to and aren't an rpger) besides whailing your saber around like an idiot.


Yeah, it's the rpg'ers fault, all of this. And I'm sick and tired of hearing this.


FYI, JA has more moves than JO, not less. Surely such a skilled person as you don't need to resort to using the idiotic, useless saber.


Stop sucking up to Raven


Good point. Now please remove your mouth from each other's crotch each time you've made a reply. I see far too many pointless "I agree completely, shaft" posts.


And I'm not trying to bash Raven


Sure you aren't. And we're not making fun of each other in here at all.


but this game shouldn't be called an FPS, because competition in this game (with players who know what they're doing and dont blindly walk in katas) is just not going to work.


Fine, there's no competition at all in this game, it can't be salvaged and most of you have made your point days ago. Please leave so we won't have to deal with your threads. Do we agree?


I don't care if s/o CTF isn't my game, I'm here to keep you from ripping throats out, and make sure you at least use some common sense when writing posts.


What's new to learn?


You could start by playing the game instead of spending all your time here, whining about it. I don't think I've ever seen such a defeatist attitude ever.

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thos that say sabers dont do enough damage.... lol do a downward hack in red slash on the back of someone's head some time.


Actually, since damage is not consistent across game modes, you can't get away with that statement. And considering the fact that I HAVE done that and it took a 3 hit combo to kill a person in standard FFA, that holds no water Watson.


Drain... probably is an opportunity for lameness, however it would be better if it could only be used when you have 50 force or more... no problem there. (personally i think it should only drain 50% of the victims force)


Or reduce the force:hp conversion ratio even further, like what happened between 1.03 and 1.04.


EDIT: Whoops, cut the post short... That's what I get for sticking with a girl until 7 in the morning.



Roll stab... lol, enter the new 1.02 DFA/ 1.03 backstab. I reckon 50 force for this move after all it's a one hit kill 90% of the time.


Sorry, the Dual Saber Kata with high force regen factors is taking the crown right now.


BTW:- make yellow overhead useful please, it's nigh on impossible to land a hit with it, no matter where the opponent is.


Now THERE'S a statement I agree with.


I see far too many pointless "I agree completely, shaft" posts.


Not our fault he makes things seem so obvious.

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Actually, since damage is not consistent across game modes, you can't get away with that statement. And considering the fact that I HAVE done that and it took a 3 hit combo to kill a person in standard FFA, that holds no water Watson.


read the note at the bottom of my above post... before getting on your high horse son.



Or reduce the force:hp conversion ratio even further, like what happened between 1.03 and 1.04.

good idea, maybe make its range smaller too.


Sorry, the Dual Saber Kata with high force regen factors is taking the crown right now.


you fall for that? LOL. heres a tip.... stand back and drop a downward hack on their head as the move finishes ;) Besides it takes 50 force (and rightly so!)

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Originally posted by Jah Warrior

you fall for that? LOL. heres a tip.... stand back and drop a downward hack on their head as the move finishes ;) Besides it takes 50 force (and rightly so!)


First of all, high force regen negates the 50 force cost. Second, its nigh unavoidable for those who are already engaged in FFA with 3+ people only to have one walk right in the center, nail mouse1+mouse2, and watch the carnage ensue.


Oh, and BTW, the roll stab works nicely against those buggers as well. ;)


EDIT: Whoops, we're on a different page, sorry mate!


And I messed up on my prior post, drain force:hp ratio was reduced 1.02 - 1.03

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Originally posted by Rad Blackrose

First of all, high force regen negates the 50 force cost. Second, its nigh unavoidable for those who are already engaged in FFA with 3+ people only to have one walk right in the center, nail mouse1+mouse2, and watch the carnage ensue.


I'm getting flashbacks to the whole DFA/Backstab issue.


As the move is pretty immobile, I've only myself to blame if I get killed by it.


BTW Jah: Is hermes up? The IP doesn't seem to work :(

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You seem to be missing the point again.

There can be a zillion new saber swings, but the issue is that in s/o ctf, you need to stop the flag carrier from running off before any moves can be implemented.


Rage dfa caught him up and was a 1 hit kill <its gone>

kicks slowed and even grounded him <its gone>

ptk was a long range attack <its gone>

strafing to catch up <its gone>

rolling to catch up <its gone>

Pull whorage <repowers the fc to speed off and leaves you ith no force>


You all discredit these things as 'spamming' and 'un-skillful'. Well we don't care, they were ways that worked.


Now here's the big question that none of you people against the reimplementation of kicks etc can answer:


How do you stop an fc, in order to kill him? (with kata's or w/e). Give a workable answer and the complaining for a patch will cease. But I guarantee, you have no answer.

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Originally posted by Comm539

Rage dfa caught him up and was a 1 hit kill <its gone>


No, it still works.


kicks slowed and even grounded him <its gone>


Still works as well. Keyword: Saberstaff.


Give a workable answer and the complaining for a patch will cease. But I guarantee, you have no answer.


Ok, what if in 2 weeks time, you've worked out this problem, will you then come back and apologize because you didn't think there were any solution to this, when in fact, there were?

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You obviously aren't familiar with ctf strategies, so I don't see how you can discredit them if you don't know why they're there.


Rage = rage and speed (other wise, just rage isn't even as fast as level 3 speed and won't catch an fc). Since this takes 100 force, and dfa needs 25 force each, it is gone.


Saber staff kick is impractical and inneffective. You can't alt fire whilst moving, there fore you need to somehow overtake the fc, stop and then try to kick before the fc whizzes over your head.


If there are anyother solutions I find I will stand here and sing. The fact is, this isn't some tatty pulled together arguement. The entire s/o ctf community is saying the same. We know what strategies work and what doesn't work. No one has found any new way to stop someone who doesn';t want to be stopped, Raven hasn't ever announced a new way to stop someone who doesn't want to be stopped and all of the old ways have been removed.


Still waiting for a workable answer.

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Originally posted by Comm539

You obviously aren't familiar with ctf strategies, so I don't see how you can discredit them if you don't know why they're there.


No, I'm not - but where did I "discredit" them?


Rage = rage and speed (other wise, just rage isn't even as fast as level 3 speed and won't catch an fc). Since this takes 100 force, and dfa needs 25 force each, it is gone.


Makes sense, yes, and I see your point.


Still, when you say "rage DFA", I assume you do mean rage combined with DFA.


Saber staff kick is impractical and inneffective. You can't alt fire whilst moving,


You can: jump-kick.

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Well, I was just bs'ing with Lv 3 drain on a bot before and my force meter was at 100, I hit him with drain and only got like 30 hp back for the entire duration. Maybe your referring the 'weak sabers' towards single sabers because twin and staff have good range and high power. you probably cant whore drain against a saber staff, those folks are everywhere *only uses single*


I do agree about your other problems with the multiplayer though


I think that if Dark force can have Rage, then Light force should be able to combine absorb and protect like in SP to counter it :p

and sp jedi's are cheap with thier single and twin saber kicking lol. I wanna kick with those! XD

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Saber staff kicks require you to stop, jump and then alt attack. You firstly need to get ahead of the fc (he has speed and is going the same spped as you, pull whoring only recharges him to speed off again), and secondly, by the time you stopped to alt fire kick, he has jumped over you, past you, or just dodged the kick.


Sorry, rage dfa is sorta a ctf term and is assumed you rage with speed. I meant raging with speed.



Originally posted by C'jais

You could start by playing the game instead of spending all your time here, whining about it. I don't think I've ever seen such a defeatist attitude ever. [/b]



You say play the game, but we can't. There is no longer any way (new or old) to stop an fc who doesn't want to be stopped.

I know your just trying to suggest other ways to stoip an fc, but they've all been discredited before. There are No new or old ways to stop an fc, which is why every s/o ctf game only finishes with the fc leaving.

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Originally posted by Comm539

Saber staff kicks require you to stop, jump and then alt attack.


Pardon me if I'm wrong, but I thought the jump kick allowed you to kick while in the air (and thus moving)?


Probably already tried, but would it be possible to turn on both rage and speed (thus moving faster than the FC), run up to him and give him a few whacks with the strong stance?

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You would need to be level or in front of the fc to jump kick (but he's going the same speed as you). Then you have to stop, before pressing alt and jump. In this time, the fc can whiz past, or since theres no method to pull him towards you, the jump kick misses or he evades it.

It obviously requires a way for you to catch up and overtake the fc in the first place.


Although speed raging and waving a saber about may work on a 'less able' (one without a clue) fc, it certainly won't work in a competetive match.

You have to imagine all the things that were in JO were tried and tested. The things that have been taken out worked, the things that are left didn't work in JO and won't work now. You have to think 'is it new'. If the answer is no, then it won't be affective (already been tried and failed. If it is new, then it might work. But the thing is, there are no new ways.

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Dude, where to start, if you where touched by my words i am sorry (i am not really), i didnt said all that for nothing, i think i made my point in my last post.


My gramar is because i speak spanish.


I am not dork, but you sure are, and i dont think forums are for dorks, but for people who like games, specially a game i ve been wanted for a long time. IS that wrong?


About my ego, rofl, i am the one who smashes YOU.


And whats the problem with my insults, besides the fact it bothered you, hahaha (what an idiot).


Insecurities? lol



My insults should be fired upon myself? cant you be anymore original? kiddo?


-you are the stupid


And i wasnt talking to you in first place, you piece of ****, you dont worth it.

All i know from you is that you are named supernub.


Next time if you feel emotionally touched about that, reply to your wall.


I'd try to reply to that but your entire post is as fallible as Kobe's rape defense.


I am not dork? ..what will you say next, someone set us up the bomb?




You might learn something, give it a shot Richard Ramirez love child.

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