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Will someone make a Mysteries of the Sith MOD?


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Hi, Im new here and I really like MotS. But its getting old and the graphics arent that great, so I was wondering if maybe the group making Dark Forces MOD for JO or JA would make it after they complete DF. Or maybe the group making JKEnhanced MOD could make a MOD when they are done. Or maybe even some other group. Anyways I was just wondering if anyone wants to see a MotS MOD for JO or JA.

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I really liked MotS, and since there is a Dark Forces mod and Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight mod, a MotS mod would complete the set. Imagine... You load up Jedi Academy, and you could pick to play from any game in the series*!


Going to Ka' Pa's Palace and quickly finding out which people would fight you and those who wouldn't was fun, and fighting those creapy sith zombies and sith statues in the sith temple was also fun.


*Except Jedi Outcast (duh)

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Hmmm...it's certainly an interesting question. I like the idea of being able to select any of the DF series of games, all from one engine (JA). It would certainly lend a great deal of consistency right across the board.


The problem, though, is that the Q3 tech is coming to the end of it's life, and Mod teams have to ask themselves how long they want to continue supporting a particular engine. The DF and JK mods are huge undertakings involving large mod teams, and they have taken a considerable amount of time simply to reach their current states of development. These kinds of project really demand long-term commitment, which is not always possible due to other worldly commitments.


You have to keep in mind that MotS is about as large as JK was (except there are no 'duel' levels)...and had a few more models than the original JK. It would be an undertaking on the same kind of scale as the mods already in the works - although at least some of the potential content (like models) would already have been completed in the DF/JK mods.


Pesonally, I'd like to see it come to fruition. It would certainly be something to see.

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Originally posted by darthmikeyd

Are there mods for Dark Forces or Jedi Knight available for download somewhere? If so, where and how do you get them to work?



Darth Mikey D


Or do you mean some mods made for those actual games? Like a mod made for Jedi Knight? There are many places to d/l mods like those...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by DarkLord60

Well maybe after the team that is making Dark Forces II Jedi Knight TC is done they can start on MotS TC. Is the Darkforces II: Jediknight mod still around?

Yeah, Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight is still being made, but all they have on their site is a coming soon pic. :(
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  • 2 weeks later...

It's the nostalgia factor. People would like seeing their favorite classic games revamped on the current graphics engines. It works on the same principle as the Star Wars trilogy Special Edition. They're the same movies as the originals, but they've been given more modern special effects and extra scenes, giving it a more polished feel to them. (though I personally don't like some of the improvements, like Greedo firing first :p )

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