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The Nightmare Before Christmas, 10th Anniversary

Darth Groovy

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Yep, it was released 10 years ago October 22, 1993. Anyone feel old yet?


If you ever find a copy of the DVD (getting scarce now in some towns) GRAB IT! I got mine the other day, paid a little more than I normally do for a DVD, but since it will probably be repackaged and sold for even MORE money, I had to have it. I love the songs, love the whole look of the movie. Plus the DVD Special Edition has full versions of both Frankenweenie, and Vincent (some of Burtons earlier films)!


If you never seen it, rent it now, or just buy it! "For I JACK! The Pumpkin King, have grown so tired of the same old thing..."



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Yes the two extra movies are very entertaining! Not like most DVD extras. Vincent is about a normal boy named Vincent, who also wants to be Vincent Price. The film is entertainingly enough narated by Vincent Price himself, and it echoes early Dr. Seuss in a clever way.


Frankenweenie is just one of the funniest cutest short movies I think I have ever seen. It is simply to die for!

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my nightmare vid has Vincent and Frankenweenie at the end. plus a behind the sceens doc thingy. I also own the OST\OSC the only thing I dont have, and would like are the Jack and Sally dolls in their coffins. but a lot of nightmare stuff is till expensive.


and maybe this is more information then most of you want to hear but I think Sally is da bomb! would like to jump her bones.

trouble is she is jumpin Jack's already.;)

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wow, what a classic. That takes me WAY back.......well, not WAY back, but a long time ago. I didnt know it would be its 10th anniversery though. I thought it only came out about 4 or 5 years ago. Wow, time flys by doesn't it;)



I'll go this Friday and rent it at Blockbuster. Can't wait to watch that classic again :p

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Originally posted by Darth Eggplant

and maybe this is more information then most of you want to hear but I think Sally is da bomb! would like to jump her bones.

trouble is she is jumpin Jack's already.;)



Definatly. That's TMI.

I have never seen it, but I definatly want to. I just never go to a rental store or anything like that.

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A 3rd person action game. I would much rather prefer an adventure style game a la "Grim Fandango". I can imagine that being a great game, especially with the claymation graphics. Too bad it's for the PS2 though...


I can only think of one other claymation type game, and that was "The Neverhood", a quirky side scroller action/adventure game for pc. It wasn't really popular but still a cool game which I enjoyed.


btw, I LOVED "A Nightmare Before Christmas".

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