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Throw glitch? cool beans


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hey. this is cool. i was playing CTF, i had 100hp and 15 armor. i had dual sabers, with full saber defence. a random came up to me and didnt even pull me, threw one saber, and it one hit killed me. thats ghetto. this is just another reason this game sucks.


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It's because of the vocal minority that whines about how it's not easy to win in saber duels or wants cinematic fighting. Boo-friggity-hoo. Servers have skill ratings for a reason, find a good server and learn how to play the game. And the game can't by nature be cinematic becasue there's no coreographer.

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Well, it depends on a lot of things.


It could be lag.. maybe he really hit you more than once and you only saw once?


It could be cvars... maybe the server had saberdamagescale 5 on or something (meaning a one hit kill with that much health and armor would be totally expected).


This reminds me of the "1 hit kill lightning" thing people were complaining about before.


There are a lot of factors that can affect this, so if you die once from some fluke, my advice is not to sweat it too much.

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I'd prefer the game be patched ASAP. Like Sokar sayed... Why play with it nerfed?
So they can rush release a patch that will fix the stuff that needs fixing (my only concern is FPS issues, the rest is almost entirely personally tiffs with parts of the game, not actual bugs, granted the few real exceptions) only to go on to cause new bugs because they rushed and didn't fully test it? Don't force Raven, let them take time, if and when they release a patch, it will be after testing to make sure a) the current bugs are gone and b) no new ones are brought about.


For now, just enjoy the game the best you can.

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Originally posted by WadeV1589

Don't force Raven, let them take time, if and when they release a patch, it will be after testing to make sure a) the current bugs are gone and b) no new ones are brought about.


I don't think we're really in any position to force Raven to do anything. But at least this way they'll hear about it.

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shut the hell up michael.. whatever. you havent even PLAYED the game. you dont own it. you dont understand in the least. just go die or something... how can some people be so idiotic.


and we are of course in a position to change something. look at how many people are posting here to get stuff changed. if enough people yell, somebodies gonna hear them.

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Guys, chill out, there's no reason to flame each other.


FiNLuX makes an excellent point, there IS locational damage in JA (something JK2 didn't have in MP), where head shots do far more damage than body shots, which do more than limb shots.


Is it possible you were hit in the head?


Locational damage can be toggled off in the server, but it is ON by default.

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yea, ive had a saber throw do 200 damage to me before, the locational damage and hit detection seem a touch screwy to me, but most of the time they are ok. Damage can be set to JK2 style, non locational, on any server with a simple cvar, its in the liturature you get with the ded server pack from Raven.

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i personally think that JA should move more towards making the game closer to JO... aka DFA takes no force, blue lunge takes no force, etc etc etc, FIX THE GOD DAMNED ROLL! and etc. I like the new sabers, and i guess the katas are OK if you're into the whole RPG thing, other than that, i think i could personally lay out a better game for raven to make.

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You think that do you? So essentially you would lay the conceptual groundwork and they do all the programming, artwork, design, physics, interface, soundtrack and sales management. How very noble of you. Or perhaps you were thinking that you could do all that yourself? I would not claim to know a field in which I have no talent and thus claim to do a better job than people trained in that field. Just food for thought.


What you fail to see is that games must change over time to remain interesting. That's all there is to it. I think Raven did a great job of keeping enough elements familiar while adding new things to it at the same time. If you are so intoxicated with JO, play Outcast. Or, better yet, make your own server and set the cvars to the JO equivalents. The options are there for a reason, the game cannot read your mind and adjust it's settings to your whim and fancy. You have to set them as such. Do so and stop comlplaining that you don't like what you have the ability to change.


Here's another thing that you may not be aware of. Online games are a bunch of independent machines connected to one server. Despite the mechanical magnificence of the computer, not every system is precisely synched. So regardless of what you see on your screen, it's only what the server sees that really counts. Isn't it possible that there was a teensy bit of lag and that saber in fact hit you in the melon? Isn't it possible that maybe because of that lag your machine showed you a throw to the midsection? Isn't it possible that you are overreacting to a single incident that resulted in one kill that in the great scheme of things doesn't really amount to anything?

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Kurgan there *was a bug with 1 hit lightning kills; it was fixed in that server patch.


And there is (was it fixed?) a bug with 1 kick kills as well.


Actually a lot of these bugs never even got fixed in Outcast so I doubt many will in Academy either.


The rocket homing bug from outcast is still there and when the debug melee command was used, the unlimited damage grip glitch is still there as well.

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i personally think that JA should move more towards making the game closer to JO... aka DFA takes no force, blue lunge takes no force, etc etc etc, FIX THE GOD DAMNED ROLL! and etc. I like the new sabers, and i guess the katas are OK if you're into the whole RPG thing, other than that, i think i could personally lay out a better game for raven to make.

Ok come on man, listen to that, you're wanting JO's sequal to become JO!! HELLO!!! This is where I have to flame, is your brain functional here? You're wanting a NEWER game to become the old one again, IT IS NOT GONNA HAPPEN TO PLEASE YOU!


In the meantime, you write down your better than JA gameplan, send it into Raven and see what happens cause man from what you're saying we'd be working games back to the original Doom if anyone put you in charge!


And don't say "I just mean going back to the older moves" because THIS IS A NEW GAME IT IS NOT JO WE DO NOT WANT THE OLD STUFF. When will some of you get it into your heads this is NOT JO and the complainers that want JO style stuff back should go play frickin JO MP because there are no bugs where you complain, just personal requests for old stuff.


I've never heard anything so stupid, "hey Raven, I know JA is a new game, but can you just make it JO again? It'd please all of us l33t JO players, screw the rest, we're in the overall minority but who cares! We bought the game so we demand you listen!" - and yes, all you "we want JO stuff" complainers sound like that.


End of flame.

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Pay attention:



We do not want JO, we wanted something totally new.


Didn't happen.


We got a game that was basically everything in JO with a few tiny new additions.



So game play dynamics basically remain the same with the exception of a few tweaks to game play.


Those tweaks are having a major negative effect on a very popular game type and all of it's hybrids.



Small tweaks are all we are asking for.


We are not asking for things to be nerfed, removed or even added really.


Every thing we need is there in the game, no new animations even need to be added.


They put a "lock" on a few things that really had a horrible effect (I'm sure not intended) on full force saber only game types and we simply are asking for those things to be unlocked.


Again, we are asking for nothing "new" nor are we asking for things to be "identical".


In reality, with the exception of the "nerfs" things still are identical.



None of us are saying we are pissed because they just recycled the single saber, force powers and guns from JO and did not create any new ones (other than 1 gun and two stances with limited swings).


Just a few small tweaks in a few places will fix some serious issues a very significant portion of the overall community is having with specific game types.


Get that?






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