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Force Rage: the best SP power?

Damar Stiehl

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It seriously rocks. For some life points and force points, you get 90% protection from damage, +50% speed and bonus to attacks. IMO this beats the crap out of Force Protection. Sometimes you can also make it work with Force Absorb, and that turns you into an invincible killing demon.


Without Rage, I could have problems taking on three Reborn at once. With Rage, I don't just kill them - I paint the walls with their damn innards.



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Absorb is just needed. It's nit a question of usefullness. Imagine fighting on a bridge, a narrow path or close to a chasm (and we all know there are a LOT of fights like these): the very last thing you want is someone force-pushing you to death.

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I gotta agree with Grip, in SP I was laughing my ass off when I got bored of fighting the same evil jedi's over and over, remember the prison level? Walk up to them say "hey there", grip and throw, I was running like a madman thru the level just throwing them all into lava, was fun to watch them fly, especially if you placed them on the edge of a path drop them, and as they're recovering from the grip, force push :D Just to be that little bit more cruel :p


Oh and if you get killed by a strong weapons guy, no worries, just force grip someone and they become a human shield! Oh and running them through others is great, nevermind bashing em against walls! The joys of grip!

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Grip's good too, albeit people push out of it; that's I guess what you need Absorb for.


I don't rage if I'm up against one Reborn at a time, but when there are three, I'd rather pull an Anakin Solo and trounce them into dust.


And BTW, Super-Troopers are annoying mofos, size should NOT matter when I push/pull/grip someone, but at least I can mind-trick 'em...

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Rage is my favourite force ability........when the NPCs use it. :p


Sure, rage is good because it makes you an invinceable killing machine, but it leaves you with almost no health.

Through the game I never seem to have shield(just using force heal all the time) so going down to 1 health point would be pretty bad.


Anyway, I just loved it when they'd do force rage. I'd run away(because it's pointless fighting them) and as soon as the rage was over, attack. The sparks that fly from the sabres could kill them after a rage.....



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