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Unreal sniping


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Ok I can kinda guess your point, you are saying that it is hard to snipe standing up because it would be super hard to hold the gun steady and straight, am I correct?


Well, lets consider this, Kyle is a Jedi, so I think his abilities would be alot more proficient than a normal human being. Anyways, this is a game, so you have to expect some things to be unrealistic...

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I strongly disagree. There was sniping in the Star Wars movies! Tusken Raiders are a good example. And there was some snipe-like blaster fire coming from Boba Fett in the Cloud City halls, and shots taken by hiden Stormtroopers in the Endor forest.

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What?! It's unrealistic to shoot stuff while *standing up*? You gotta be kidding me?


What exactly is it that you want? You want every superhuman jedi to lay down and wait 2 minutes for their pulse to calm down before they are able to hit stuff with the futuristic gun that turns people into dust?


You know what is unrealistic: Being able to carry a rocket launcher and jump 2 metres up in the air or running over a medpack or ammo and instantly gain hp or have the ammo mysteriously load up you gun. That's unrealistic.


Shooting with a sniper rifle while standing up is not in any way unrealistic even on planet earth. Hell, gimme a sniper rifle and I'll show you.

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Well, there is unreal sniping as far as enemy NPCs go. The disruptor wielding Rodians in Nar Shadaa can be positively maddening in their accuracy. Even on Padawan mode, they can be brutal. Their blaster wielding counterparts can't shoot as straight, yet the snipers can blow a hole in Kyle's torso from clear across the stage! It made me quite paranoid to wander the streets of Nar Shadaa.

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Originally posted by Neverhoodian

Well, there is unreal sniping as far as enemy NPCs go. The disruptor wielding Rodians in Nar Shadaa can be positively maddening in their accuracy. Even on Padawan mode, they can be brutal. Their blaster wielding counterparts can't shoot as straight, yet the snipers can blow a hole in Kyle's torso from clear across the stage! It made me quite paranoid to wander the streets of Nar Shadaa.


I agree with that sentiment. I don't care how good a shot you are - you shouldn't simply be able to shoot someone as soon as they walk around a corner. You shouldn't know that they are coming around that specific corner on the street...so it should take a good few seconds scanning the area to acquire your target. I mean, they even hit you while you're running, or jumping... Ridiculous 100% accuracy, like the cheating bots in Unreal Tournament. I neutered Loque and the others in the end to 80% accuracy, instead of 100%.


As for me, as the player, being able to snipe standing up - I don't see anything wrong with that at all. You can always prop yourself up against a wall, etc. There are many ways to potentially steady your aim, if you don't have an iron hand...

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Originally posted by StormHammer

I agree with that sentiment. I don't care how good a shot you are - you shouldn't simply be able to shoot someone as soon as they walk around a corner.

i do that all the time in mp :D.

maybe them rodians have seeing.... or maybe rodians have very good eyesight..

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Originally posted by Lightsaberboy

maybe them rodians have seeing.... or maybe rodians have very good eyesight..

They have some of the best eye-sight in the galaxy. They have eyes that flies have, which means they can see perfectly in all directions. They can sense the slightest movement in a split-second.
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^^ just a minor thing. Having the eyes of a fly would most certainly NOT help you snipe better. In fact, i would be surprised if you could hit a barn at 20 meters out (well, maybe not that bad). The thing about fly eyes (compound eyes) is that they detect motion, extremely well because any motion is seen through each facet. However, they aren't geared towards picking out specific objects or exactly where things are. If you had compound eyes, you would know the instant someone came into your line of sight, but you wouldn't be able to pick him out, at least not very well.


Anyways, i don't see any problem with sniping in JO. In fact, its my favorite weapon in JO, even more so than the lightsaber (i'm also alot better with it).

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Originally posted by lukeskywalker1

Something i never understood... why are they trying to kill you in JO after you talk to the bartender? I mean, then you walk outside, and everyone tries to kill kyle... like they knew what happend inside the bar...

I want to know why everyone inside the bar attacks you just because the bartender locks-down. I mean, those thugs probably don't even know english. :confused:
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Well, okay then, Galactic Standard. But all the thugs seem to be speaking the same language, Huttese <sp?>. If you listen carefully, they all are saying similar phrases, although with a VERY different accent.


And for the bar lock-down... Well, that button could be some indication that there is an unwanted guy in our turf.


Wow, this thread is REALLY off-topic! :D

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Well, it *could* have been because he pulled the saber out, notice how all of the aliens turned around when he did that... but still. Before you go in to the bar, you see snipers and everything in the windows, and grans just walking around, and they attack you... untill you get into that barfight. Then again, kyle did turn his saber on in the cutscene...


But also the rodians at the door took kyles guns (i guess they didnt know he had a saber) but if they took kyle's why didnt they take the rodians and weequays?

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Originally posted by lukeskywalker1

but if they took kyle's why didnt they take the rodians and weequays?

Because those guys are probably the "regulars" of the bar, and they all know each other, so there is no need to disarm the regulars. Kyle, on the other hand, they've never met. So they can't trust a stranger. Plus, Kyle's a human. And those alien species hate humans.
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Probably the reason why they get so easily pushed off the edge is the fact that they've had to listen to that same cantina music in every bar ever since A New Hope over a decade ago and are waiting for an excuse to take their frustration out on someone. :D I like the tune, but having to hear it every night for fifteen years would get to me, too.


Being halfway serious again, I have no idea. Maybe it's like a gay bar, only it's an alien bar. Kyle couldn't read Huttese, so he just waltzed in, causing an awkward situation to begin with. When he ignited his saber, it was the last straw.


Acutally, that wasn't very serious either.:p

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