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JKA: Vehicles WIP - Speeder Bike, STAP & Dewback Pix


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Originally posted by imyourfather

Mine was always the snow-speeder, that's why I perfered rogue squadron over battle for naboo...


Every one and his taste ;)


In fairness also, Rogue Squadron was a great game, wheras Battle for Naboo (which I got packaged free with JO) is one of the worst games I've ever played.


Call me a traditionalist, but the X-Wing is still my favourite :)

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Being the evil guy I am - I'm kinda partial to the Tie Interceptor (Though preferably the Tie Advanced or Tie Defender but since they're only in the game...)

As far as the rebels go I like the B-Wing - but just where the hell did they go at the battle of Endor? Anyone else notice they just dissappear.

As far as the new films, I really the Queens ship from TPM and Padme's yacht. Must be the chrome - mmmmm.... chrome. :p


New pix sometime this weekend.

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rouge squadren was a great game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! loved it, i didnt care for battle for naboo, but was suckerd in to paying 40 bucks for it, the land/air vehicles drew me to it :cool: =:) =:( =:mad: oh well, i hope to God they port over rogue 2 and 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by Gonkish

This is just an offhand type of thing.. but does anyone know of someone modelling the Sith troopers from KotOR? They'd be fantastic player (and NPC) models...


man, if I could model, I'd do those myself. Those would look cool. How about that Sith Fighter from KOTOR btw? That one also looked great.

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Hi Folks,


By now I imagine most of you are already aware that the Jedi Academy Software Development Kit has been released!


Still downloading it so not certain how much is different or updated than the tools in the Jedi Outcast SDK.


On a different track - last I heard about Rebel Strike was that there is some intention of porting it to the X-box. Personally I would like to see a new version of X-Wing vs Tie-Fighter but with Rebel Strike level graphics and on the PC damnit!

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Originally posted by Usurpo

My favorite ship? The Jedi Starfighter! Super fast, and quite deadly, nothing can touch it! Oh, did I mention it looks nice too? :p


I am working on converting this to a vehicle to JA, still need to contact the author though for permission, but I don't forsee any issues with that.

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Originally posted by monsoontide

(Note: riders position isn't changable so I can't make him fit the bike)


perhaps you can try modeling the bike so it fits the rider position better? I think it looks pretty good already. If you could turn the steering bars a little downward and maybe make them a little longer they would reach to the playermodels hands. That's whay I used to do with my action figure of this thing.(but that was at least 15-20 years ago :)).


The others look great as well. One thing about the N1. Are you planning on modeling the interior as well, because I think a transparent cockpit would look better than a the black one you have now.

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Hey Guys - thanks for the feedback on the Acklay!!!

Your input is greatly appreciated! :D

Will send the feedback along to Keshire and see if he can make some improvements - while I fiddle with the .veh file and sounds.


I'm not trying to imply it's not possible to make new rider positions - just that I myself, have no idea how to do it (Not to mention you probably need 3DSMAX or SoftimageXSi).

As far as repositioning the model to match the rider - Duncan already did that with his speeder-bike. I wanted to keep mine looking more like the movie.

As for the N1 cockpit - I did think about doing that - but then you'd want to be able to see the pilot inside while flying and it comes back to the propblem of not being able to easily fit the riders to the vehicles.


I believe the Dewback is almost ready for release. Should be within the next week depending on how quickly Duncan can get to it.

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Originally posted by monsoontide

monsoontide, with the Sourcecode released, it's still not possible to change the rider's position?


Maybe it's possible to model a pilot in the cockpit(copy over some parts of the rebel pilots perhaps?), so you'll have a pilot in the seat in vehicle mode? And then have a seperate skin for the static map model entity, that turns of the pilot surfaces? I'm just brainstorming here, I have no idea if it is even possible to have skin files for models.

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WhiteShdw, to have different skins for one model showing up one with pilot one without, is perhaps possible if a good coder helps us. there could be also a similar way, the pilot is modeled and part of the vehicle, but when the driver isnt on board the pilot model is hiden somewhere inside the vehicel not visible. during the driving animation we move the pilot into the cockpit. so your point isnt that bad, with the right code changes it could be possible, BUT the big draw back is the polygon count. a pilot and a cockpit would at least triple the polygon count and vehicles are anyway very sensitiv on that. we have to keep it low.

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The other alternative is to CODE a NEW VEHICLE CLASS - that is a cross between the swoop (visable rider) and spaceship (flying) and allows for different sections of the player animation to be used.

Unfortunately I have NO IDEA how to do this & there is NO documentation for this! :(


RAVEN really only half implemented this whole vehicle feature - just enough to get it where they needed it in SP really. I expect they'll have it worked out by the time they release Quake 4 (I think that's their current project)

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yeah, I brought the whole no visible rider for flying vehicles thing to the attention of Mike Gummelt of Raven, here's what he had to say.


Hmm... you mean "hideRider" doesn't draw the driver if you set it to 0 on a VH_Fighter? It could be that one of the other programmers who worked on MP vehicles just assumed you'd never draw the pilot of a fighter... if that's the case, it would take a mod to fix... :/ But, the SDK is out, now, so... :)


So unless Raven surprises us with a fix for that in another patch, somebody is gonna have to make a mod to fix it.

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Wow quite the large thread.


Finally made my way here.

I do a lot of traveling but when I get back in town I'll get to work on improving some animations.


Anyways just some notes. I'm going through the code and taking notes on what is where, if I can I'll put together a new vehicle type. There is a vehicle type called FLIER which hasn't been used yet.


The one I used for the Acklay is the rancor because I wanted to use the dismember enum. Which is rancor specific. So any limitations you see with the rancor npc you'll see with the acklay.


There's an enum called BOTH_VT_ATB which I assume means vehicle attack back but I've yet to see any vehicle or type use it. So I'll look it up sometime and see what it's supposed to do.


And Duncan, if you have animations made for that droid of yours I'd be very interested in talking to you. Renegadeofphunk wants a player character one for Movie Battles which I'm sure I can get working.

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