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JKA: Vehicles WIP - Speeder Bike, STAP & Dewback Pix


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just wanted to report back. i made a big leap on the dewback animation, so far i have done walking (with looking right and left) some kind of rour, idle standing and runing. still to do are the death sequences, mount, differnt hit and pain animations. i dont if the model need those jumping and flying things. does the tauntaun use these animations in game, i know it has them, but does it use them? thats because the dewback will be useble like the tauntaun. i hope to bring a frist version in game soon.

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Here's one I whipped up tonight while sorta watching Final Fantasy on the Sci-Fi channel. (Was never happy with the detail of the .md3 prefab that was made by someone for Jedi Outcast & I didn't feel like mapping thisevening).


It's currently untextured and weighs in at 560 points (Though that will increase when I split things up for UV mapping). It's based on the toy - so it may be a bit "off" in places.




Needless to say this won't be released for a while - Duncan & Keshire are already both quite busy!

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Originally posted by imyourfather

You don't need to model the droid, you can attach a droid to the model with some kind of tag, like in the x-wing

although, in this case someone might have make another version (with a .surf file) so the 'arms' don't accidentally poke through the sides.

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Originally posted by wufire

Hey everyone,


I was wondering if anyone here(i.e. monsoontide) could tell me how i can make an md3 model into a fully functional, super awesome, vehicle.

Wufire (aka Wufire)


p.s. Monsoontide is my new best friend. :D

If you have 3D Studio Max 4 or above, read duncan's tut, if not, you can always send the model and the textures to someone who has has it (EG, me)
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I updated the Naboo N-1 pic above to show texturing and the fact that I pinched Raven's R2D2 Head - as t3rr0r noted I can't use the npc as it doesn't fit inside the ships hull.


BTW how do you add the r2d2 model anyway - what is the tag for it - and if you can do that, then in theory could you add any npc as part of a vehicle?

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my guess is it's bolt_droidNPC . Look in the .veh file, that's where you assign which model to use for the droidNPC . And yeah, I guess in theory you could use any model since you can assign it in the .veh file. I've never done this though so I dont know for sure.

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Manquesa - glad to see you got your landing gear problems sorted out...

Hope to see more of your work - how's about redoing that A-Wing prefab ;)


imyourfather - what's the link for that tutorial you mentioned?


Duncan_10158 - How's progress? It now seems that I have:

Ewok Glider

Anakins Airspeeder


Naboo N-1

Desert Skiff mostly ready for you!!! Let me know when you need the next one - I don't just want to dump them all on you.

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Individual releases - though they will become part of the OJP

Totally available for map builders to use - It'd be pointless making them otherwise! ;)

Also I'm including the skinning templates so if anyone wants to do a better job or team colours, personalized paint jobs etc they can.

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Is it posible to make team aircraft? Is it done with the mapping radient or is there some code in the veh. file?

Im wanting to make team aircraft but I cant yet because I dont have jk3, I should hopfully get it at Cristmas!

Im also a mapper....

Im wanting to make a big CTF map with LOTs of vehicles in it,

I will place the vehicles in caves with useable turret guns outside so people can protect them and shoot down oppozing players...

The only thing that I really dont know for sure about is if the vehicles show team tags and if a team matecan kill another team mate in a vehicle......


Btw: just a sugjestion, please dont make vehicles able to run over walking players... I can see allot of lamming happaning with that, and it takes no skill........



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I suggest if you are going to do a large CTF map then it use no aircraft. From experience in reguarly playing CTF maps they are best without too many large open areas. The flag should have 2-3 access roots to it but never be out in the open. This means it is actually possible to defend the flag and people can't just fly over then drop out and collect the flag. Large open areas also tend to kill the framerate.


Your best bet would be to use walkers or equivalent (is there an AT-AT in the works?) style land vehicles for use around the flag. Chuck in a few STAPs or Speeders and include a large space in the central region to fight in, otherwise I can't see that working too succesfully for proper games.

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Ill have the flag in a protected cave..... I think I know what you mean, but I still want some flying vehicles.... allot of land ones too dont wory about that...

I have detailed plans on graph papper right now, flag is in a small cave thats not to hard to get to but protected with guns and next to that a cave with flying vehicles, then next to that a cave with all kinds of land vehicles..... the cave isnt that deep dont worry........

LOTS of gun turrets too, and some monsters in pits that you can let out......

Flag's not out in the open then, but maybe ill have to tinker with ideas about that.......


there will be a big oppen space BUT there will be walls and texture to it all..... probably a pit in the middle and stuff like that.

I havent got it yet so I dont know exactly yet what people want..... ill make stuff for everyone.......


someone please answer this....

can teams shot down there own team vehicles and are there team markings on the vehicles.. like tags or something????

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Unless you have a HUGE map, don't even think of including spaceship vehicles (Check out the "Flight School" map that's doing the rounds for that sort of thing) since it's really hard to fly the damn ships and they can crash into the skybox - unless you really give it some time and patience (& a huge open map) most people tend to take of fire a couple of shots and then crash into something.

You can of course tweak the .veh files to make the ships more "flyable" in a confined space.

As far as team ships , you have alter the .npc file and do some custom skins for it - I don't know about friendly fire.

I think this is why Raven stuck to using vehicles only in their Siege maps.


It's all possible though - it just might take a bit more work than you might like to get it all working properly ;)

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Oooo... If you're still looking for suggestions... what about the Ebon Hawk (from KotOR)? I mean, it would be too big for a flyable vehicle, but as a misc_model it'd be a fantastic piece for a level designer like moi.. although yeah, it's 4000 years old in the time frame of JA.. but still... There's plenty of reference shots around...

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The only bad thing about flyable ships is the FPS. If you make a HUGE map, one that would be fun to fly around in, the FPS would be so low, it wouldnt be funny. Even if it had nothing in it, it would still be slow.... Plus, it wont look that good. I would suggest a few .md3s.... or something. ive got plans for a flyable map... but i have to see if i can pull it off, with good FPS, and a good size to fly in.


Btw: just a sugjestion, please dont make vehicles able to run over walking players... I can see allot of lamming happaning with that, and it takes no skill........


So what? You can get in a vehicle and stop right back on the guy! Its not realistic at all if your riding a vehicle such as an AT-AT, and you cant step forward because a jawa wants to stand in front of your leg... or an ATST, they cant aim well, they take a lot of space on the screen, you should be able to stomp on people. Like the speeder bikes, when they hit you, you get knocked down... (you should die)


I do agree, it would probably get spammed, and it doesnt require any skill, but then thats why mappers shouldnt just spam there map with vehicles, in places that dont make sense... it makes no sense to put an ATST in a rebel base map... just like it makes no sense to put a swoop on kamino. :)



Hey uh... is someone making a snow speeder? If not, do you plan to?

monsoontide, what vehicles exaclty do you plan on making? Or is it all just requests?

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I see... very good point.

basicly my goal is to make a map were there are ALLOT of heavy equipment and orient it around them.

Ive been thinking, its not that bad to have the flag out in the oppen, because if there is a team protecting it with atst's speeders, turret guns, ect.. it would still be hard to get it.

there is always a way to balence it out.......

I do believe in having vehicles in.... caves, because that makes it harder for opposing players to blow them all up, and it keeps them out of the way, better fps probly too.


Is the radient similar to the one in jk2?

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Sorry - Not taking requests - I kinda got carried away as it is! ;)


Here's the current list.


STAP (Released) :bdroid2:

Sith Speeder (Released) :mauls:


Dewback (Model Finished - Anims in Progress by Duncan_10158)

Acklay (Model Finished - Anims In Progress by Keshire)

Speeder Bike (Model Finished - Waiting on conversion by Duncan_10158) :speeder:


Biker Scout Player Model (Model Finished - Texturing In Progress) :speeder:

Ewok Glider (Model Finished - Texturing In Progress)

Anakins Airspeeder (Model Finished - Texturing In Progress)

Naboo N-1 Stafighter (Model Finished - Texturing In Progress) :naboo:

Aiwha (Model Finished - Texturing In Progress)

Skiff (Model Finished - Texturing In Progress) :fett:


Am considering a couple more but since I am making them faster than I can get them in game, it's either going to take longer, or I'll need more help - It's all the 3DSMAX stuff since I don't have it :(


Check the earlier pages in this thread for the images of the vehicles.

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Nice... very nice, i especially like the acklay, thats something NEVER thought i would see in a Jedi knight game, maybe a episode 2 game, but not jedi knight! thats great


Is the radient similar to the one in jk2?


Yeah, i even hooked the JK2 radiant up to JA.... works fine.. but im not sure how it affects your levels. GTK has never run good on my PC.


I see... very good point.

basicly my goal is to make a map were there are ALLOT of heavy equipment and orient it around them.

Ive been thinking, its not that bad to have the flag out in the oppen, because if there is a team protecting it with atst's speeders, turret guns, ect.. it would still be hard to get it.

there is always a way to balence it out.......

I do believe in having vehicles in.... caves, because that makes it harder for opposing players to blow them all up, and it keeps them out of the way, better fps probly too.


yeah thats good, sounds cool... hmm.. the flag idea would be cool! out in the open, but the other team waiting for ya, then they all open fire... that would be great.

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