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"But WHY'S the rum gone?!"


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Well, I haven't got much to show ATM, but heres some pics, this took about half and hour to make (and about 3 days to figure out how to fix the compiling error, when all i needed to do was delete all my GTK versions completely, then download the stable ones :rolleyes:


Anyway, here they are:


.Pic One


Pic Two


Pic Three


Pic Four


There, I'll get some more soonish.

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Yoho!!! Yoho!!! a pirate's life for m.... Wait a minute!!! Dude!!! Where is my deck??? Lol, great idea Omikron, there so many fancy sci-fi maps going on out there. Making a pirate ship will make my heart sing -Drink Up! m'earties yoho!!-.

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It's ok for a start, I guess. But why show only a half hour's worth of work? Why not work for longer until you've really got something to show?


Ah well. Here's my crits.


For the size and height of those masts, the boat would flip upside down. A boat's hull extends much further under the water than what we see. If there's going to be water, this isn't much of an issue though.


It's totally devoid of detail. Boat decks are not entirely flat, either. Work on that.


Those stairs look huge, like giant stairs.


The sails look totally fake. They need a more realistic position (when have you ever seen a sail that looked like that?). Google for some pictures of old boats and see what they look like, and create them based on that.


That's it for now, I think.

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Thanks for that, I've done a tiny bit of work but I've been rather busy the past few days... And for the sail texture, I'll try that some time, and for the ship textures, they are only like that because I'm having trouble with my other texture (it's got one of those Can't Find Shader File images, even though I haven't got a shader for the texture).

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