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Lets go Red Sox!


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Baseball Playoffs, its that time of motnh again! :p


So, who are you rooting for? :) I'm defiently rooting for my home team, the Red Sox, who are playing Oakland as we speak.


And predictions of World Series 2003? I have a feeling it will be Cubs vs. Yankees (:() But I hope its Cubs against Sox.


(Btw, I know not many of you follow Baseball, but feel free to share your opinion ;))

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I believe it will be the Red Sox and Cubs in the World Series










































Sitting at the 1st base line watching the Yankees and Marlins play. That was a joke on Conan the other night and it was funnier with teh Braves in place of the Marlins but since they lost it doesn't make logical sense.



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Yankees- rich snobs who think they can buy any player thats on the Free agency and think they can with with money.....which is partially true :p




Red Sox- are plagued with the curse of the Bambino



Cubbies- hmmm........i honestly have nothing for the Cubs ^_^

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Originally posted by KBell

Cubbies- hmmm........i honestly have nothing for the Cubs ^_^


You forget the curse of the Billy Goat.


During a postseason series a while back, a fan tried to bring a Goat into the stadium, but was not allowed to enter due to the goats smell. The owner of the goat then put a curse on the Cub's, which resulted in the lovable losers we once knew. Is the curse broken?


Only time will tell...




/ominous laugh







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why did the a's have to loose for the 4th straight time in the first round?!?!?!?!


awh man, i cant believe it...


anyway, i hope the red sox can get to the world series to break the curse of the bambino and show that they yankees arent all that! BOO to Jason Giambi, that traitor...:D

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Originally posted by Alexi Vocheski

why did the a's have to loose for the 4th straight time in the first round?!?!?!?!


awh man, i cant believe it...


anyway, i hope the red sox can get to the world series to break the curse of the bambino and show that they yankees arent all that! BOO to Jason Giambi, that traitor...:D


A's fan, I presume? ;)


Oakland is a pretty good team, if the SOx didn't win, I wnated it to be a Cubs/A's World Series. I hope the Yankees don't win ,they already have enough World Series won, so I hope a team with less can win this year. ;)

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Eh... people always seem to have this burning hatred for whoever is on top. If the Cubs were the top team in the league year after year, people would be screaming for Cubs blood...


Seems like it's that way in all things in life. If you're on top, people begin to hate you.

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Originally posted by ShockV1.89

Eh... people always seem to have this burning hatred for whoever is on top. If the Cubs were the top team in the league year after year, people would be screaming for Cubs blood...


Seems like it's that way in all things in life. If you're on top, people begin to hate you.


No, not really. its jsut because no one lieks the Yankees. It could be because they are greedy and buy everyone, and try to buy every teams best players. if they have all the best players, whats the fun in playing anymore?


besides, red Sox and Yankees have always been fierce Rivals.


Another question, how come people change over to being a fan of the top team all the time. What about the underdogs? (Perfect example is Florida, they beat the Giants, one of the best teams in NL)

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