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How do I counter this? (fast Lunge)


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If you know how to use it, the saber staff can beat any single saber user. You can spam the butterfly for one... and if that doesn't work, just do side to side swings or forward diagonal swings and chase them down. The key to using the staff vs single users is to stay on the offensive because the staff never pauses or runs out of standard swings. Some will disagree, but I'm not a nub who never played jk2. I played jk2 since 1.2 and know what I'm talking about... since I've always been a nf saber player from the get-go....


I know all the moves of single sabers and the time it takes to do them.... and in JA I will take staff vs single any old day of the week - because it is simply better.

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Originally posted by Prime

Usually you can tell when it is coming, and I like to just sidestep and attack their flank. I use the single saber though...


I can always tell it's coming, they do nothing else :*(.


I've tried that first, but they roll/jump back and it we keep dancing like that, I occassionly(spelling?)hit them when doing this tango, but they also hit me, and if its not instant death, it's 3/4 of my HP. =\

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I bet most people who "whore" lunge have it scripted. Or they have the walk- and crouch-keys bound in a smart way like me. ;)


Anyways, you must be playing on a server where saber damage is x 2. The lunge should do something like 60hp of damage(?) whereas the butterfly is a one-hit-kill.


Oh yeah... avoiding it is a bit tricky if they got it scripted and your reflexes aren't decent. :) But you still got like 3 one-hit-kill moves to choose from. Use 'em in the face of a lunger and you'll win.

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Originally posted by MJZ

I can always tell it's coming, they do nothing else :*(.


I've tried that first, but they roll/jump back and it we keep dancing like that, I occassionly(spelling?)hit them when doing this tango, but they also hit me, and if its not instant death, it's 3/4 of my HP. =\

It is kinf of hard to explain exactly how I do it, but when they approach, I usually start my swing (red usually in this case). Then by the time they lunge and I move, the swing connects almost immediately. It took practice, but it seems to work for me. If Red is too slow, or you are using another saber type, the quicker stances can be used as well.


This isn't really a strategy I guess, but it does work.

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

I bet most people who "whore" lunge have it scripted. Or they have the walk- and crouch-keys bound in a smart way like me. ;)


Anyways, you must be playing on a server where saber damage is x 2. The lunge should do something like 60hp of damage(?) whereas the butterfly is a one-hit-kill.


Oh yeah... avoiding it is a bit tricky if they got it scripted and your reflexes aren't decent. :) But you still got like 3 one-hit-kill moves to choose from. Use 'em in the face of a lunger and you'll win.



Yes the people are crouching =\. And the server I mainly play on, and run into these spammers, is Jomark, and I think the damage is regular on that server.

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Blue-stance lunge\uppercut was\is by far the most popular move on my JK2 server. Counter moves are:


1. Sidestep then attack the back.


2. Back-up then counter-lunge if using single or same move kata (crouch+forward+attack) with saber staff.


3. Use Push to throw off their timing. If you Push as they lunge, they end up in the end of the lunge but out of range. Then counter-attack with saber or a gun if you have one.

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In jk2 you could lunge and win with it if you were good. In JA I've never seen anyone use the single saber and win using only lunge. Single in JA is good for countering, but if you come across a single user who attacks alot, watch what they do and set them up for some good counter attacks.


A single user gets a 3 red combo, then they have to wait till they can swing again. Use staff vs single and you can have endless swings against them to chase them down and chop them up. If you played extensively, use some of the jk2 tactics using staff... like crouching side to side sweeps and attack inbetween a single red swing...


This game is all about counter-attacks unless you just wanna spam the staff butterfly... then just keep jumping at people and most of the time you'll win if you know what you're doing. No single user can use the blue lunge to counter the butterfly... it just won't do anything.

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If the people who are lunging are CROUCHING before the lunge, you can be 100% certain that they are newbies without any skill whatsoever. In other words - you need some patience and practise :D


If they are running towards you and lunging instanteniously, it's not *that* easy to avoid.


Remember - you got 3 attacks that kill instantly and the opponent has one move that kills in 2-3 hits. You should be able to take 'em. Kata their ass or something. :)

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Just get outta the way. I think the lunge is still the most dangerous move in the game. And most players fall from it, either dead or near death. There are lots of counters if u mange to avoid it. My favorite is to step back step left/right + fwd turning giving back a lunge of my own. It does have a recovery time long enough to get in attacks from all sabers an of all kinds.

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