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EU Limit


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I heard that George Lucas originally stated that he wasn't going to allow anything written or conceived after 30 years post-battle of Yavin. If this is true, it's a bit disappointing. There's always room to expand back, and also within the thirty year period, but still, it doesn't give that much freedom. Is there any talk of extending this date?

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Sounds good. I dont want it to go on forever, sheesh. After they destroy the Vong I say there should be one more galactic crisis to overcome and then we can all say that they finally lived happily ever after. :D


Any EU after that should be consentrated on the thousands of years before the movies. The Hyperspace wars and Sith wars and the formation of the Republic. Sio Bibble did say that there hadnt been a full scale war since the formation of the Republic. That would be cool to learn about. And then some day the entire history will be complete and we can sit back and relax and enjoy the complete galaxy far far away.

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It would be weird without the characters we know and love. But I think that it should have a happy ending. Or at least a hopeful ending. That expanding back to the Hyperspace wars sounds awesome. Meh. We still have so much time to use, I guess we don't need more than thirty years post yavin.


I heard they have a book coming out about the Outbound Flight Project? Is that true? That'd be really awesome. Jorus C'Baoth and his clone's origins are always sheathed in mystery.

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I love my EU brethren, but I gotta say I get skin crawls when someone starts a sentence with "George Lucas said..."


Unless you can quote directly from an interview and its source, dont say stuff like that...... it's creepy !!


You might as well start a post saying GL said he wants to make ep 7-9...(groan)


Head over to TheForce.net books section, and to DelRey. You'll find there's plenty of post NJO material planned. The new series will still be called, at least in part, the "NJO"- This title has nothing to do with the Vong, obviously... I personally look forward to hearing about what the younger jedi like Jaina/Jacen/Kyp etc get up to, not to mention Ben....





"George Lucas said" it's time for me to go to bed, its 1am....g'night !!!

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Originally posted by Lynk Former

GL has you all by the shorthairs. If he makes a Star Wars porn movie you'd all jump for it.


Is Yoda in it? It's not a porno without Yoda...


I can honestly say, that I think post NJO should slow down a lil, and get some pre TPM... like... 25,000 to 30,000 years pre TMP. After playing KoToR, I am interested in the start of the Republic and the Sith Wars, ect.

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