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whos ur fave character and why?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Roughly in order ...


32. Aitor Ese, lazy wine casket roller

31. The assasins

30. The Johnny Thunder boys

29. Blue Casket cool cats

28. Doug and Doug, twins

27. The clown

26. Terry and the Union bees

25. Celso Flores, client

24. Hector Lemans, big boss

23. Pugsy and Bibi, angels

22. The roulette croupier

21. The Guardian of the Gates


20. Don Copal, boss

19. Domino Hurley, sweatiest man in the office

18. Lola and Lupe, can't tell 'em apart

17. Eva, secretary

16. Brennis, DOD tube switcher mechanic

15. The Mayan Mechanics

14. Mercedes "Meche" Colomar, saint

13. Bruno Martinez, angry little client

12. Olivia Ofrenda, femme fatale

11. Maximino, hep cat


10. Toto Santos, tattoist

09. Nick Virago, lawyer

08. Police Chief Bogen

07. Dockmaster Velasco, old salt

06. Bowlsley, hypersensitive florist

05. Chowchilla Charlie, conman

04. Raoul, waiter

03. Glottis, supersized demon

02. Salvador Limones, freedom figher

01. Membrillo, coroner


You notice I didn't list Manny - it's because I consider us both to be the same person. These are all the characters I can remember offhand.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The elevator guy, I love some of his lines


"You think you're better than me????!!!"

"I gotta cover my ass, you know?"

"I squeezed through one of these tubes like a pixie. How do you think I got in here? Through the door, just like you!"

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Originally posted by ZaXeriaw

I can't say who my favorite is, 'cause I love each one...


Manny: He's Manny...

Meche: She's the woman in that game, and I think she would look nice with skin.

Glottis: He's my little teddy bear! :p

Lupe: The voice

Lola: Just the scene where she die. I nearly cried first time...

Domino: He's the bad boy...

Olivia: I love bad women...


Und so weiter...


Yes and:


Max: He is mysterious

Raoule: He's a waiter

Don: Hes a real hard-ass

Hector: I LOVE fat people :D

Salvador: Hes funny

Velasco: A real seaman

Celso: Just as confused as Jarjar Binks

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Velasco. He's just so great and I laughed so much when I heard that the "special lady" he lost was the S.S. Lamancha. He's just so great. Bowlsley is up there too because he is halarious when he's freaking out but he still not as great as the dockmaster. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Manny :manny: is my favorite.


He is so mutch like me... besides the part that he's dead. But his attitude is like mine. it seems that I even sond like him (I use a lot of Italian words in my speach that look alot like spanish words) :p and I have the similar kind of humor. Take a look at my name -Acey Machiavelli- Its a name you could run in to in a game like grim Fandango.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know why, but I always like the villains the most. I think it's because they're always the cool ones. Domino was my favorite. But, of course, like clockwork, the hero is always in 2nd place. Manny is my second place winner!

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  • 4 months later...

My favourite characters (besides Manny, Glottis & Salva, of course) are Velasco (because I think he is a great character and a hell of a [dead] person with Manny), Membrillo (I love his monologue and besides I am keen on Forensic Science) and there is something I really like about that Revolutionary Group on the Blue Casket (maybe the fact that they are too arrogant I don’t know, or their communist ideas I’m not sure what but they gave me a great interest on revolutions and political ideas).

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Meche and Salvador are cool. I like Celso too (can you guess? ;)); he has some nice sarcastic lines in what little conversation you have with him, which are some of my favorite in the game.


Originally posted by VampireNaomi

He got straight to business and didn't give Manny a chance to do anything. Clever.


Actually, he let Manny crawl out and *spoiler deleted* ;)

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