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Dark Rage...


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Hi all!:) Im a new member and a long time Starwars freak.


Actually Im playing Jedi Academy and I found that Dark Rage is a bit too strong, giving you invulnerability. With this skill you can kill every enemy jedi in secs without fearing death.

I find this imbalance in single player (My connection is too slow and expensive for multiplayer:( )


Am I right about it?

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I don't think rage itself is too powerfull since it leaves you with very little Health. The real problem is the AI: if the computer was smart enough to run and keep dodging you while rage is up and engage when it is down that might be much more challenging. But the way it is now you can just use rage (or protection) and go to close melee without having to fear for you life.

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No, you're way off (sorry man).


Rage isn't very useful if you don't know what you're doing, because while you are powerful, if you don't hit anybody, you don't get any kills.


Also in MP it takes WAY MORE health (down to 1 HP) than it does in SP.


Additionally, you can still die from bottomless pits, lava or crushing traps (so a person can grip or push you into one and you still die).


Also, a person can just use Speed and Push to keep you away from them until Rage wears off (or Rage up after you so it will still be running after you've gone into slow recovery mode and be an easy target).


So Rage can be very useful if you know what you're doing, but it can get you into trouble if you don't and has counters just like everything else.

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Yeah, rage is one of those things that:


In the hands of a new guy or a so-so player it will get you killed and it seems to do more harm than good.





In the hands of a person who knows what they are doing, it will make them a near unstoppable monster.



Really in terms if balance, rage is almost perfectly designed (in MP at least, I don't play SP).

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