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Quest for Revenge


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Hello all. With all the talk surrounding "holocrons" and the "neverending search to become a jedi", I thought it would be appropriate to share a story of a good friend of mine on the Lowca server. First a little background. His name is Zephabias. He is a hard-working lad who paid his dues to become one of the most recognized master weaponsmiths on the server. His respect for other players, and willingness to meet the demands of his customers at any cost go without saying. With that said, he like many of us, is intrigued with the idea of playing the jedi role, and is determined to unlock the "ultimate treasure" that is the FS slot.


He obtained a holocron over the weekend, and last night opened it only to be told that in order to continue his quest towards "absolute power" he needed to master the chef profession. He is still considering whether or not to pursue this trade. I personally think the dev's are playing a big joke on all of us (the three people I know who've found holocrons have been told to master Image Designer, Architect, and now Chef). Regardless, for the time being, my friend has decided to - in an act of his disgust and sheer remorse over this unfortunate set of events - crawl (yes crawl) from Moenia to Theed. He doesn't know why (either do I), but it something he says he must do. Last checked, he had traveled about 6K meters, and is scheduled to arrive at the Theed starport sometime tonight. I would like to give him a warm welcome...so for any of you out there on the Lowca server who would be kind enough to spare 5-10 minutes of your playing time tonight to cheer on the guy who is expressing the "grief and anger" that all of us feel, send me an in-game tell or email and i will brief you on a time.


thank you all, and god bless



Expert Bounty Hunter

Lowca Server

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well, just wanted to let everyone know that my friend promptly arrived at theed spaceport last night at about 10:21pm EST. it was a great turnout...lots of cheering, fireworks, etc. There was an overall sense of heightened morale and comradery that is not seen nearly enough in this game. i'd like to thank everyone who came out to help welcome him back from his "religous" experience. wraith, sorry i didn't get in touch with you in time, but thanks for your response. my friend is still undecided whether he will pursue the chef profession, but had no regrets with his "quest for revenge," albeit a hopeless one.



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Well a few people on the starsider server have found the new holocrons and this is what I have found. So far 4 people known to me anyway have found them. The first was a armorsmith that went hunting on dantooine with his pa it told him to master architect. The second was a rifleman/ranger the holocron told him to master pistoler. The thrid was a chef she was told to master weaponsmith. And lastly was a combat medic that was told to master doctor. Now all of these people's holocron told them to master a skill based off what they can do. artisans had to master elite crafting professions, the rifleman a skill from marksmen, the medic if course had to master a skill from medic.

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yeah...I'm hoping it says "You must Master Bio-Engineer"


But I know a master commando who got "You must master architect" he is now crying non-stop.


Although I do know someone who started out as a Marksman and ended up getting Master Architect...she's hoping she gets to master commando :) (she hates Architect)

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as a BH, i've gone through the headache of mastering two complete skill trees (and working on a third). yet, i'm excited about the idea of a new profession. i know that crafting, and gathering resources does not agree with my style of play (at all), so getting stuck with mastering weapon/armorsmith, architect, chef, etc. will be a bit disappointing. but it would only be a matter of time b/f i gave into temptation.


to comment on last's remarks, it would be nice if the profession chosen for you were based off a tree you had already gained experience in. does anyone know if this is always the case? is there anybody out there who was told to master a profession completely unrelated to their current trade?



here's to my holocron giving me the :thumbs1: to "master bounty hunter" :cheers:. oh wait, i have zero investigation (doh!)...maybe i would be better off with a new profession, it might take a shorter time.



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