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My Oh My! How I love MP playing.


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Man i luv it when a plan works... well... eventually works.


I was on the FFA err... what's it called anyway?..errr..... hmmm.... the MP FFA map of the level where you have to save rosh from alora..with all the lava and stuff.. can't remember the name bah.


ANYWAY... i got killed while fighting lot's of people on the landing pad at the center of the map and I respawned on the top of the tower with a balcony. So i figured i could jump, start a vertical red swing in mid hair and lang right next to someone for a hit.


I tried several times ...about everytime i got killed in the landing pad and happen to respawn up there... i tried and tried until i eventually made one of the swings hit another player... INSTAKILL!!!!!


man it felt so good.. plus another player saw the whole jump-hit-kill thing and said that was pretty cool to watch too.


Lucky for me there was no fall damage by the way ;)



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Well I can't begin to rant how much I LOVE PLAYIN MP!!!!


I can't ever seem to join a server without gettin flamed the entire time "N00b nub lamer Ive been n00bed hack cheater" 90% of the time everyone else's score is doubled in ffa games.


Did I mention.. My OH My! How I love MP playin!!!!!


Getting pushed off a ledge an cling jumping back at them. Jumping over my victim before taking them on a death ride with a grab in air mid jump. Fwd wall climbing with a grip'd victim ripe for a drop in the pit. Pulling crowds of ppl doing kata's off a ledge. Pushing all the butterfly spamming idiots into pits. Having powerduels while the double people kill each other chasing me around. Running around without a saber double lightning an punching ppl. LUNGING EVERY KATA SPAMMER THERE IS! I'd go on an on an on an on, but I'll give you guys a break an stop.




Did I mention.. My OH My! How I love MP playin!!!!!

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MP is definitely "the bomb" in JA. I usually play Siege or CTF, but here and there I will take some time to enjoy FFA. There are more quality servers coming these days. Multiplayer is so awesome!


What happened to the idea of the Siege Team Starter? It was an idea on the forums that a bunch of people could get together whenever possible and play MP.

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Well before Halloween I was hosting a Siege server and I couldn't even get in for 2 days because it was constantly full.


After Halloween the number of players shrank down to a trickle (I guess the Raven Master Server in-game browser gods are angry with me again, sigh...).


I think the idea is still alive, we just need some servers to play on. I volunteer mine but of course I can't promise great pings. Anybody else got a great connection/machine with JA and willing to do it?

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I finally played on KaiaSowaPit server, just altogether fun. I love the settings (ie: have to have saber down to use some force powers, melee, Jedi vs. Merc)

Aside from the idiots calling people noobs and lamers it was great fun.

Quite a unique experience as far as servers go...BRAVO.



Everyone should check out this server if they haven't already...good times...good times.:)




*/edit siege ideas are great, I would love to play some siege(I suck at Tatooine though, dont know the map that well).

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  • 3 weeks later...

About a week ago, it was me, Lathain Valtiel versus ACDCFanBill on Kaia's server.


We were both neck and neck, 29 to 29, and all alone on the server playwise. Battle of the Shoguns in the word of a certain player spectating.


So, what happens? As I approached the Ragnos Statue where the final battle was about to go down, a chap connected.. And spawned at the statue. As I entered and saw this new guy getting chased by bill, I hit Speed, And ran in swinging. Me and bill both whirled around on the guy forsix seconds or so, trying to get each other or the newcomer, until I decked the newcomer and killed him just before bill got me. It was INTENSE.

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wow, never thought I'd see this thread again :D


Ive played MP at another Lan recently, first time for many at JA, but still no one called each other a n00b, plus no bowing. The standard of gameplay was LOW and thus balanced. reflexes became increasingly diminished with the steady consumption of beer and bourbon. Cant remember how many kills I had, or flags I nabbed...still, FUN was had by all........



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Some good stories in here, so I'll post one that is sort of weak :)


I was dueling the other day and the guy I was fighting was using the saberstaff. When I joined he had a winning record, and he immediately proceeded to tell me that he was a "l33t" clan member in a very longwinded fashion. It turned out that he was a big time button-masher, and just kept running up to me swinging.


First I did a kata that damaged him quite a bit and he backed off and said something like, "OMFG! Don't you know that kattas are teh lame? Are u gey??" I asked why they were lame and he responded, "cause people dont lik them, and they are useless."


So again we start fighting and again he mashes the attack button and runs at me. Not really wanting to get into another argument I switch to blue and uppercut him as he approaches me. This kills him and of course he pops up with something like, "you gay lamer!1!1!! U are so lame. Blue special is so overpowerd! Stop laming me! I m 1337!"


We start fighting again and this time I use mind trick on him and immediately he pops up in coloured text, "Force is lame NF plz!!"


So by this point I've just about lost all interest, and ask, "What time is it where you are?" Up goes his chat box and I immediately jump over to him and kata him to death. :) I then join the specators.


By this time another player had joined and he posts how he spilled coke all over his keyboard after seeing that. This new guy joins and my opponant is still making these long-winded rants about how I am the gayest lamer that ever lamed. I just respond with short answers like "ownt" and "I win", so I guess I'm not helping matters :) He takes a bit more time to appearantly write something insulting but all of a sudden the new guy goes up to him and katas him to death again when he is chatting. New guy then just pops up with "behold my l337 ski11z!!1" :D


So of course it is now me against the new guy, and my old opponant is still ranting about lamers and special moves. Then the new guy asks, "special move fight?" and I say "yep." And we then proceed to fight using nothing but specials. Apparently this infuriates the first guy as he responds with some racial slurs and a final rant about special moves and force being lame and then disconnects...


I really wish I had a demo of that... :)

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Well...I went on the "Fun-Server" last night.

I haven't really been playing JA that much, but after reading Amidala's story I felt I needed to go lame some "honor" people.


I joined the server and low and behold...I couldn't get my right side mouse button to work (the one I've been using for months as crouch), lets just say I dropped it and it broke, must have been that frenzy the other day ;).


I got me some chatters, The funny thing is they didn't whine(that much, (aside from the occassional: "newb" that was "lame"), I was disappointed. At first it took me a while to get use to using a different key for crouch, I would go to do a blueuppercut on a duel saber barrier, looking like a complete dork I would walk straight up to them trying to crouch using my mouse and get chopped in half.


Finally I gave up trying to use moves that reqiured crouch.

I managed to do o.k., but people kept challenging me to a duel.

Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy dueling in ffa sometimes.

So I tried telling these people Iwasn't going to duel with a broken mouse button (I hate losing;)).


To make a long boring story short; I eventually started using my kata on anybody who challenged me.

Most of the server seemed to gang up on me (except a few "lamers")

"Kick his a** Lady Death" is what they were saying.


Keep in mind neither of my side mouse buttons were working (MS Intelemouse optical thingy)

All and all I had fun, there honestly wasn't that much name calling, they would just gather their "Jedi Homies" and hunt us "lamer newbies" down (didn't work to often), and there was a a couple skilled "lamers" playing "too"


I thought I sucked honestly, but without crouch, when I get a new mouse I amso going teach those leet guys a lesson, there next on my list ;).


Here's a screen shot: (before you go rankin' on Lady Death, keep in mind when I joined they were pretty much dueling, and I felt I needed to change that, hence the score/time ratio.)

i suck...beware


"Why can't we all just get along":(

I say everyone go to honor servers and show the little ones and the younger generation how ffa was meant to be, imho.



had fun,



P.S. does anybody have a tip on fixing my mouse, the cover thingy came off, and when I snapped it back on the side buttons(mouse 4 & 5) won't work and my wheel(mouse 3) is stubborn too now:( guess I won't be mp'ing for awhile, and just when I was getting into ET.>:( )

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So here are 2 stories from me:


I dunno how many knows that but its really an old school trick to test some people how they know the game it started in jk2 and i taked it to jk3 as well and it works, so listen: Almost every game i say to all: lets make a cool hidden dancing taunt just tipe in console: /disco, to make a cool dance, i laugh always when players really do it and then disconnects:) sometimes over 5 people at once:) the best is when they come back and start he u f..... but one day it was yesterday 1 guy from a clan knowd that command and laughed as well all others in game when his clan mate thought it was a taunt and then discos:) he mentioned that he gets off but normally u say cu or bye or anything else but he just get disconected without any words:) and came not back( i think he realised it then:) so we knowd that he dances out of the game. its awesome how many players do it.


The next is i love it to kill people with 1 hit but this one was really nice it was a powerduel and i was single at taspir so these 2 guys wanted to duell me 1 after 1 becuse of ff on or lack of their skill, anyways, then we jumped at same time i started a normal hit with red and slashed him down dealing 100 hp:) the best was he died in the air in back of me so i just saw i killed him, whole server laughed and was like wtf and me also


btw in jk2 it was easier to kill some1 with 1 hit just my thoughts.....

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Originally posted by Prime

I was dueling the other day and the guy...


WOW Prime, its admirable you have come out of that ordeal and managed to look at it in a calm way, therefore posting about it in this marvelous thread...... as opposed to the "rant" thread for example.....


fancy calling *you* a lamer, that poor sod...



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

WOW Prime, its admirable you have come out of that ordeal and managed to look at it in a calm way, therefore posting about it in this marvelous thread...... as opposed to the "rant" thread for example.....

Well, it is only a video game after all. I tend not to get upset about these things. Too many other things in life to worry about. I play games to relax, not get upset :)
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Originally posted by Prime

Well, it is only a video game after all. I tend not to get upset about these things. Too many other things in life to worry about. I play games to relax, not get upset :)


Great attitude PRIME... :) I wholeheartedly agree !


If all posters were as level headed as yourself, then poor Stormie and Kurgan(etc) would have nuthin to do...



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I kept on laughing each time i was killed on Kurgans Server, when we where playing the Melee Mod....every few seconds you'd hear this big SPLAT sound. :D


Amidalas Chop Shop server, not sure which one it was, probarly the one with x5 Saber Damage...anyway i was killing off on that server, everyone was using sabers....not me...i was using melee and using lightning, its more powerful if you use melee....ah another 35 kills racked up already :D

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Originally posted by Tesla

I kept on laughing each time i was killed on Kurgans Server, when we where playing the Melee Mod....every few seconds you'd hear this big SPLAT sound. :D


Amidalas Chop Shop server, not sure which one it was, probarly the one with x5 Saber Damage...anyway i was killing off on that server, everyone was using sabers....not me...i was using melee and using lightning, its more powerful if you use melee....ah another 35 kills racked up already :D


Gotta laugh at the fools who don't know to use Absorb.

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Great stories indeed. Time for me to share one . . . this involves my brother playing under my alias.


The game was Siege Hoth. My bro was on the Imperial side as a Scout. He grabbed the access codes from the droid room and ran. As he got out the big door in front of Rebel spawn, he deployed a sentry turret and ran into the laser-filled chaos. As stormies were covering his dash firing into the maelstrom, my bro uses the access codes to unlock the hangar door. With most of the server players of both teams behind him, he keeps running and gets killed :) On the next respawn, there is major fighting at the doorway, but he brakes through, disrupts a demolitions guy, and runs up the ramp to the door locked by a terminal. Luckily, two light jedi had the door open; he slipped through. Unfortunately, they pursue, but one jedi is disrupted by his handy tenloss. The other keeps trailing, yet it is too late: my bro reached the infirmary and the Imperials advanced. Instead of regrouping with the other Imperials, my bro keeps running to the command center. He almost is killed by a rocket fired by a wookiee, but it hits a nearby wall. The other jedi did not follow; he instead took the elevator to the command center in anticipation of my bro's arrival. His prediction is correct. My bro arrives and disrupts the Jedi with finesse. Then the successful Scout damages destroys 4 consoles in the command center and kills 3 more Rebel soldiers in the process. Eventually he is sabered by a quicker jedi. My bro later returned to the command center as Imperials swarmed in and completely wiped out the Command Center.


He finished with a score of 101. It was pretty hard core.

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