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Question to all JO users.


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As you know the maps (orginal maps NOT DOWNLOADED) can be played in JA. but i don't have JO .Does anyone know a Link were i can download those maps. NOT DOWNLOADED !!!


or if you have a site or something to put them on. And then give me a link.




P.S : I everyday check this site until i have the maps.

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Originally posted by JA_General


Greetings and salutations.


Originally posted by JA_General

As you know the maps (orginal maps NOT DOWNLOADED) can be played in JA.

They certainly can, although there are many glitches that result from scripting differences. But yes, for the most part, it is more or less playable.


Originally posted by JA_General

but i don't have JO. Does anyone know a Link were i can download those maps.

Then you are out of luck, for giving away some or all of JO files would be illegal. Not only that, but the files required total about 500 megs. Ultimately, you'd not only need the map files, but all the textures and scripts that are used by them...


Originally posted by JA_General

or if you have a site or something to put them on. And then give me a link.

I would recommend against that, since it would be illegal. It is probably a mute point though, because as I mentioned, the required space would be 500+ megs. I doubt to many people have access to that kind of space.


Originally posted by JA_General

P.S : I everyday check this site until i have the maps.

I suspect that you will continue checking until the end of time...


Why don't you just buy JO? It should pretty cheap by now, and it is a great game and worth playing in its own right.

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Isnt it illegal to run part of JO without the cd in the drive? That means your not allowed to play JO maps in JA unless you have two drives, one with JA, other with JO.

Also, Im not sure about the legality of transferring files from one game to a completetly different game.


Im sure the maps are downloadable somewhere search around.

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People have already converted all the maps from JK2 over to JKA. No, it doens't equal 500 megabites, maps aren't that big, and its not illegal.


http://www.pcgamemods.com/2320 FFA


http://www.pcgamemods.com/2319 CTF


http://www.pcgamemods.com/2315 Duel


Those links are for map packs. If you only want a single map, they have them, you'll just have to look for them.

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If you're asking somebody to provide the entire single player game for you to play in JA, that's asking a heck of a lot. And eventually, aren't you just warezing JK2 by providing every map without requiring the person to buy the game?


As far as the MP maps are concerned, yes, some imperfect conversions have been done, and they aren't too bad. Get them at pcgamemods.com.


Other maps are hit and miss. Some mappers have converted their JK2 creations to JA, others haven't. So just check the major sites and try them to see what works.


If you want an easy way to get all the JK2 maps to use in JA.... here's a hint:




It's actually affordable now in many places due to the release of JA, so why not? It's got a nice single player campaign and some gamemodes not available in JA (Holocron FFA, Jedi Master, CTY).

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I hope that someone/Raven can put together a utility where you can import and play JO SP/MP when in JA as long as you have JO installed, or hav eits assets files on your HD somewhere. Im not sure if its (ever) possible to fix the scripting error and the bugs, I would like to hope it could be done :)



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Originally posted by SpDTheadkeFor

People have already converted all the maps from JK2 over to JKA. No, it doens't equal 500 megabites, maps aren't that big, and its not illegal.

I believe he is talking about SP maps, not MP (although he should clarify). For SP maps, you need the sounds, scripts, models, skins, and so on for it to work. All these add up to a significant size. And releasing all these constitutes warez (since you need pretty much everything for it to run), which is illegal.


Originally posted by MasterSidious

Their just maps ppl. You can legally make them by yourself and put them out there. I don't know about the actual SP maps though

For SP maps at least, you need more than just the maps, as I said above.


Originally posted by JA_General

Jo isn't anywere to buy in Holland and it would take to long to buy it somewere els in the world. and only want the maps not the whole game.

Can you clarify for our benefit whether you are looking for SP or MP maps? The MP ones are around already. The SP ones you need more than just the maps, such as all the enemies and scripts. Otherwise, they are unplayable. So really, you need all of JO for them to work properly.


Why not just order it over the internet? It should be cheap and it shouldn't take long to deliver...


Originally posted by Astrotoy7

I hope that someone/Raven can put together a utility where you can import and play JO SP/MP when in JA as long as you have JO installed, or hav eits assets files on your HD somewhere. Im not sure if its (ever) possible to fix the scripting error and the bugs, I would like to hope it could be done

I'm not sure if you saw the sticky, but you can play it pretty well already, but with some funny things (or is this what you are refering to). For those who don't know, you can take the assets.pk3 files (0,1, and 2) from JO and put them in your JA base directory. But first you have to rename them so that they are alphebetically before the assets.pk3 files of JA (e.g. 0_assets0.pk3, 0_assets1.pk3, and 0_assets2.pk3). This way, JA loads all the assets, maps, and textures from JO, and then overwrites anything that has a newer version in JO.
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Originally posted by SamFisher

500 megs? The whole game is 600mb, full install.

I was using that number more or less off the top of my head, as the assets0.pk3 is 522 megs. This is where most of the maps, scripts, models, and so on are located, I believe...
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The unique PRIME said

I'm not sure if you saw the sticky, but you can play it pretty well already, but with some funny things (or is this what you are refering to).


Of course I know about that :D !! I got your original post about that stuck in the mapping forum awhile back... but the bugs are annoying, and the music isn't there.


My favourite level doom_comm doesnt even work, all i get is kyle moonwalking(*the start of the cinematic looping endlessly). In that cairn level where Luke jumps in, there's a part where you have to get into a vent via a grate, well i cut the gate, got in the vent, and got the blackscreen blues.... bugger !


so yeah, I was hoping there is SOME way to fix these scripting probs......???



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

The unique PRIME said



Of course I know about that :D !! I got your original post about that stuck in the mapping forum awhile back...

Ah! Okay. :D


Originally posted by Astrotoy7

but the bugs are annoying, and the music isn't there.


My favourite level doom_comm doesnt even work, all i get is kyle moonwalking(*the start of the cinematic looping endlessly). In that cairn level where Luke jumps in, there's a part where you have to get into a vent via a grate, well i cut the gate, got in the vent, and got the blackscreen blues.... bugger !


so yeah, I was hoping there is SOME way to fix these scripting probs......???



I agree that many of the bugs are really annoying, and the missing music is disappointing. I tried one of the Yavin levels and couldn't move :( It is definitely hit or miss.


However, just about all of the fan made SP maps seem to work more or less as they should. I've tried about 7 or 8 and have been able to complete them all with little or no problems. :)

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