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to those offended about the "swamp awards"


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Originally posted by ShockV1.89

I went into the thread with a bit of curiousity, hoping to, if anything, better myself by expanding or reflecting on whatever people thought of me. Instead, I got a light slap in the face and "Nobody is going to remember you."


I don't know you well... In fact, I probably don't know you at all.. But I'm going to voice my opinion anyway (That's what the 'net is for)...


First of all, you sound a little upset about the fact that you got 'nothing' even with your 1000 posts... Having 1000 posts doesn't mean you're superiorly popular, or everyone has to like you, or dislike you, or even have any feelings towards you.


Secondly, about the "light slap"... Personally, in a few years, or even a few months, I won't remember you. And for the people who are close friends with you on this board, they'll probably remember you. Either way, you should just ignore the "light slap". After all, this is an online message board. To make it even more dismissable, we're even on a Star Wars message board.


Come on now, no reason to get upset. No reason to even care if anyone on here likes you or not.


By receiving an award from a Star Wars message board, on the internet, surrounded by star wars internet geeks, you accomplish nothing. Like you say, it's the same people every time. So what you've got here are Star Wars nerd internet-geeks with low self-esteem. Consider yourself winning an award in life by losing a message board award.


And when it comes to getting attention, I'd rather not have the attention of some people on this message board. Think about half the people on this board following you around all day. Scary thought? Yes.



I'm a star wars internet-geek, too. Don't get me wrong. :D


Let's face it, if you're not cool in life, posing awards on a message board won't make you any cooler. We accept you here for who you are.

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Oh, I'm not broken up over it. I'm not crying in a corner somewhere, wishing death on the "Swamp Clique." It's just a little irritating.


It basically comes down to "If I had a choice, I'd prefer people to remember me rather than forget me. Although neither one is particularly important."

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Originally posted by FLaM-DraG

First of all, you sound a little upset about the fact that you got 'nothing' even with your 1000 posts... Having 1000 posts doesn't mean you're superiorly popular, or everyone has to like you, or dislike you, or even have any feelings towards you.


However, his having 1000 posts means he's posted over 1000 things in the swamp. You'd think somebody would notice him, because most people's personalities come through their posts and they are very consistant.



No worries though shock, I have nearly 3000 and I dont evar get mentioned, though i'm content just adding my two cents to things I find interesting in here.

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lol....well....thats one way to end the topic.



well anyways. Its not like anyone who makes the award threads even listened to any of this so....uh....whatever.


all the same to me...






I do like cheesecake tho....^^.

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I stumbled in here much the same way I enter any given thread in the swamp. Out of pure boredom. So when you start to press reply with quickness because you want to tell me how I'm jealous, realize that you are, in fact, a jackass. Now on to the meat of the matter. Some people are actually complaining that they aren't Mr. Popularity on an internet forum? Hillarious. Because afterall. If you were popular at all, would you have a trillion+ post count on an internet forum, and need to ask for such approval and praise? I'm not excluding myself btw. I come here alot. I don't always post, but I read alot of what goes on here. So yeah, I have no life (HAHA I BEAT YOU TO SAYING IT, DIDN'T I?).

I even read where one guy's worked up that he isn't remembered. Please. God. I know you're out there, and can help this poor individual. And maybe, God, you can help me too. If you're in a prayer answering mood tonight, please use your awesome power to make sure that if I'm remembered for anything, it's not having a gazillion nice guy posts on an internet forum. In fact God, if it's that or nothing. Please see to it I'm not remembered at all.

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If he has over 1000 posts of course he's being noticed. It may be people just don't like him or dislike him... Or it may be that some people on the board are just 'cooler' in the eyes of the people who are giving the awards. Having 1000 posts doesn't mean that you're the coolest person on the board and deserve awards, being cool & people liking you gets you awards. But the same people win everytime, so it's basically a worthless cause anyway.


I have 30 posts, and I've been noticed. :D

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I even read where one guy's worked up that he isn't remembered. Please. God. I know you're out there, and can help this poor individual.


Keep your sarcasm to yourself. "Worked up." I never said I was worked up. I even said I don't really care one way or another. But you were just itching to show how witty and clever you were.


I should have realized people are too childish to read a post like that without taking it beyond what it really is.

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Let's be honest here, everyone likes to see their name in lights. It's nice to be noticed, to be liked, to be complimented. I've never really thought deeply about how much it must hurt someone who is not mentioned in these awards threads until now.


I'm named quite a lot in these threads, and I'll be honest and say it makes me very happy, but at the same time, I won't post in these threads because I don't want to upset anyone who I might have forgotten to mention, and I have a lot of friends on these forums and one means just as much to me as the other.


I sympathize with those who aren't mentioned, and people shouldn't critisize them for wanting to be noticed, especially after they have been posting in these forums for a considerable amount of time. Yes it's just a forum and no it isn't real life, but to some people these forums are a very important part of thier life. Who are you to tell them that it is wrong to value thier internet life just as much as thier real life? It doesn't mean they have no life, it's just means they have two seperate lives. I'm a mother and I value my internet life because it's a good way to chill out and take myself away from the stresses of bringing up two daughters, if only for a few hours.


So what's the solution? The only solution I see is not to start these threads in the first place. Think of all the people you will be hurting just for your self gratification. I'm not critisizing anyone who has posted these threads up to now, but those who choose to do so in the future after reading how much it hurts some people.

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I swear, leXX, you are the british, female version of me.


I used to get mentioned in the threads all the time, but all the new folks took over and I stepped in the background. Does it bother me that not a whole lot of people mention me anymore? Not really. There's always #echonet. If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere.:D


Anyways, I've read all of these posts, and I can honestly say leXX, you are the man.



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Originally posted by ShockV1.89

Keep your sarcasm to yourself.


Or what, you'll get real mad and hold it inside or *gasp* post again?!


Originally posted by ShockV1.89

"Worked up." I never said I was worked up. I even said I don't really care one way or another. But you were just itching to show how witty and clever you were.


I should have realized people are too childish to read a post like that without taking it beyond what it really is.


Two words. WORKED UP. pffft

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