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When I look at you I see...

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No no no no...you've got it backwards...


The EYES are all blue and the SKIN is normal. Otherwise, pretty close.


I don't feel like showing the photos I took last summer when you vacationed in Maine. Don't you remember? What you did on the beach? Yeah, I was there. Oh, and I gave the guy the wrong number...you might want to call him back...


You mean, you didn't notice he never called you? Hussy!

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Originally posted by Orca Wail





*runs away*


oh, and a picture of Alia



*stares at you*


you seriously...have never heard of TM?????


damn.....where have you been? under a rock? :D


no jk.......he was here a long time ago and left when some people

*coughs* started messing up the forum.....something like that. I believe he used to have the highest post count, till my sister got more than him. He is an oldie here....and you are still a newbie compared to him;)

*bows to TM*

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Originally posted by Kylilin

I did find your choice rather strange. I guess you were trying to be as off as possible, or, maybe you weren't. :eek: :eek:


No, really...you're the most Vulcan-minded forumite I know. ;)


Here is a pict I used for Alia over in the Swamp. :dozey: It captures her true essence, non?


(Note: Zen University grads, this is a pop quiz. This is not exactly a katana. What is it?)


(First correct respondant wins a secret prize.) :D

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Originally posted by Alia

Kai gunto?


Wow! :D You get 90% on the pop quiz for that answer. Yes, it is a kai gunto, or navy officer's military sword.


I was looking for something else, though. ;) If a 25" shinogi-zukuri blade is mounted for wear edge-down as opposed to edge-up, it is not a katana but rather a _____.


Orca: I've missed something. :confused: All the pictures are red X's, except for your Grandma Peg. Say hi for me.


The Master: See what happens when you stay away for too long...?

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