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New OmNi Mod question


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Author: LashingOut


Author's Description

- Multiple Duels at Once

- Dueling in Team FFA

- Duels start at 100/100 and winner gets health and shields recharged

- Winner's Finishing Health and Shields announced after Duels.

- Fully Functional Admin System (including amkick, amslap, amslay, amban, amsleep and amwake)

- Emotes! (Including bowing!!!!)

- Support for both Linux and Win32!


Thats OmNi mod, if anyone knows how it works?


OmNi Admin Mod 1.1

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Yes I read the readme's :rolleyes:


Give me a few minutes and I will list the error message I get.


p.s, please don't turn this in to a arguement about "whatever", Its my server i'll run what mod I like, I would just really like some help is all.....

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Following the readme instructions I get this error in the console when I start up a dedicated server,


Working Directory: C:\Program Files\Lucas Arts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData

Fs_game is write protected.

Hitch warning: 4184841 msec frame rate


Like I said that was following the readme instruction so really I'm looking for someone who has had sucess using OmNi Mod 1.1

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Well I managed to get it to run but it still isn't running the actual mod, the commands it promises are not recognised.


am using the following command line,


"C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\jampDed.exe" +exec server.cfg +fs_game omni

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I noticed this while trying out the mod earlier:


After your first time of loading up the mod through the menu/mod window, you'll no longer see it in that mod menu! I believe it has to do with the jamp.config files that are created after your first use, so you if you want to keep on running this thing, you have to constantly delete the files that JA automatically adds to the folde each time around.


(Honestly, I'm dissapointed with this mod. I myself am a JA Roleplayer (OMFG j00 nubzz BYU SWG11!1) and at the word of emotes I was essentrically excited. I found OmniMod 1.1 to be a ripoff of the crap emotes we had in Jk2. JA has some great new animation, and i'm looking forward to seeing every duel mode emote enabled in all other gametypes, and some new original emotes as well.)

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When I get an error with a mod, the first thing I do is contact the Mod Author.


I dunno why, but it seems more logical than asking on a public forum that the mod author may never read, much less visit.


I'd suggest you do the same!


It probably won't change anything, but I also suggest those upset with the "punishing/empowering" effects of OmniMod (and other so-called "admin mods") should email the authors and voice their displeasure (constructively if possible).



One thing I will say in defense of the OmniMod for JA author, he didn't release the source and he tells people NOT to decompile his mod. Good for him!

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Originally posted by Rumor

its trying to tell you that gay admin mods won't be tolerated.

Here we go again... :roleyess:


IMO, calling the mod 'gay' is inappropriate. Besides, how can something be gay if it is not alive? Psst... someone gay is someone who likes people of the same sex.


And since about 90% of Jedi Outcast servers use admin mods then you must think that 90% of the Jedi Outcast community is gay, right?



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And since about 90% of Jedi Outcast servers use admin mods then you must think that 90% of the Jedi Outcast community is gay, right?


493 JK2 servers (as of 4:12PM CST today, using ASE)


236 are using no mods ('none')

19 servers using Vulcanus Admin Mod

5 servers using JediPLUS

3 servers using JediMod

0 using JK2++

0 using JediMovesMod

0 using OmniMOD

0 using ProMod

198 (!) using Jedi Academy

4 using xmod

3 using Duelers

0 using Gen-X

0 using ForceMod

1 using Balance of the Force

24 using "Other"


So it looks like most JK2 servers are running "no mods" and of the ones that ARE running mods, they're running the Jedi Academy mod.


So, at the very most, 52% of JK2 servers are using admin mods (assuming we combine all the mods being used in those categories, although that's still very generous since not all of them may include "admin" features).


Other stats:

1066 JK2 players total

472 JK2 players on "no mod" servers according to ASE


So again, slightly more than half of the players right now are on these mod servers, which may or may not be running mods that use admin features.

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