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Kotor 1: PC Version Cheat Codes


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Originally posted by Reggie333

Thanks tk102! The editor is great, but its missing one thing: something that lets you get party members early (i.e. have Bastila and Mission on the Endar Spire instead of Trask). Just a suggestion.


Also, just to clarify to Darth333, I don't want four people in my party. I want to get people like Bastila, Mission, etc. early, or at least someone so I can have three people in my party (counting myself). Any help would be appreciated.


There are some scripts that the devs made that give you party members. Find 'em in Kotor Tool. They start with k_cht_n_

Now just trigger 'em in a dialogue.

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Originally posted by Reggie333

Thanks tk102! The editor is great, but its missing one thing: something that lets you get party members early (i.e. have Bastila and Mission on the Endar Spire instead of Trask). Just a suggestion.


Also, just to clarify to Darth333, I don't want four people in my party. I want to get people like Bastila, Mission, etc. early, or at least someone so I can have three people in my party (counting myself). Any help would be appreciated.


There are some scripts that the devs made that give you party members. Find 'em in Kotor Tool. They start with k_cht_n_

Now just trigger 'em in a dialogue.

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Originally posted by MattColejk

WOW, Nice one Bud!! :D you should be commened :




choose any of these :p




I think I'll have the pizza, and wash it down with the milkshake. For dessert... hmm... huge chocolate heart or giant chocolate cookie? The chocolate heart, because it's good to feel loved. I mean, all that chocolate, insane amounts of euphoria, hence the loved feeling. Plus it's chocolate. :D


I think I'll also have to chew on some bubble gum after the meal. :D



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Originally posted by jedi_5002

I think I'll have the pizza, and wash it down with the milkshake. For dessert... hmm... huge chocolate heart or giant chocolate cookie? The chocolate heart, because it's good to feel loved. I mean, all that chocolate, insane amounts of euphoria, hence the loved feeling. Plus it's chocolate. :D


I think I'll also have to chew on some bubble gum after the meal. :D




Fair Enough :D:D:D LoL


dont forget to brush your teeth, then have the chewing gum :p



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  • 4 weeks later...

One thing:


about the console you can bring it down by pressing shift+~ and then ~again without the shift -- strange -- but it works for me.


i haven't had time to read this whole thread so if someone already mentioned this don't tell me :p.


And whoever thinks cheating is stupid should not be reading this thread! :bdroid2;:tsk::xp::nut:

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I beat the game 6 times (3 light, 3 dark) without cheats/mods. I checked all of my stuff against 2 huge gameguides...i missed no quests. Then I decided...I need something to mix it up, so Jedi Mod and Darth Revans robes it is :D


erm well...basically...


If you don't like cheats, don't cheat! IF you want to enjoy your game by cheating, then go ahead in cheat. I don't see why cheating or not should be such a huge thing. Now in MP...I **HATE** MP cheaters, but since KotOR is a SP game, we don't have to worry abouts that :D

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Originally posted by GonePostal

I know I'll get bashed for this one, but can someone tell me how to Display FPS in KOTOR?


I've tryed searching for an answer, but its harder than it looks then you can't use a 3 character word in the search feature.




*Bashes GonePostal in the head* j/k :D



You can download a nifty program called fraps from http://www.fraps.com/. It will display the frame rate, capture screenshots*, capture video, and some other stuff.


In SWKotOR.ini under [GameOptions], change EnableScreenShot to 1 and you can take screenshots with the Print Screen key.




[EDIT]:eyeraise: I answered his post before he made it? :eyeraise::lol:[/EDIT]

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Yeah there is i think,

But I'ts easier to use Darth 333's warp band

it's just an armband used to transport to almost any place you like. (except Manaan)


But it's smarter to use it only when you have gotten the councils mission cuz you could screw up the plot LOL.


Post Scriptum: And please don't double post.:c3po:

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Originally posted by DeereX

Is there a cheat to skip levels?

Depends on what you mean by "skip levels". Do you mean warp to diffferent areas of advance your PC's charater level?


There are cheats for both, and the information that you need can be found in the first message of this thread (don't overlook the link at the bottom of the message).


Additionally, Maxstate's suggestion is the best way to warp around if that is what you are looking to do.


I hope that helps.

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Originally posted by Maxstate

Yeah there is i think,

But I'ts easier to use Darth 333's warp band

it's just an armband used to transport to almost any place you like. (except Manaan)


But it's smarter to use it only when you have gotten the councils mission cuz you could screw up the plot LOL.


Post Scriptum: And please don't double post.:c3po:

Clicked on the reply button on accident.


Ok, thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Eets

Here are all the Cheat Codes available in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic for PC, including a list of the items you can spawn.




Find the file called "swkotor.ini" in your Knights of the Old Republic game folder. Edit the file with Notepad and under the line [Game Options] add the following line:



While playing, press [~] to bring down the console then type any of the following cheat codes:


setcomputeruse #

setdemolitions #

setstealth #

setawareness #

setpersuade #

setrepair #

setsecurity #

setstrength #

setdexterity #

setconstitution #

setintelligence #

setwisdom #

setcharisma #

addexp #





addlightside #

adddarkside #


givecredits #

giveitem #








addlevel #





You can find a list of spawnable items for the "giveitem" cheat at the following URL:




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Originally posted by eidospsogos

well, let's see. i would define cheating as giving yourself something at a certain point in the game that you could not possibly have at that point in the game. like say mastery of one side of the force or another at the very beginning of the game when normally it would take at least finishing dantooine to achieve this. or say darth revan's robes, which you would not normally get until the star forge, which is pretty much the end of the game.


i am not the one who is looking down on those who cheat. i played through the game five times myself, before ever using a cheat code. it's just something that's fun to do AFTER you have fully explored all the options of the game.


but whether you want to call it an experiment or not, by the standards of the original game it is STILL cheating. you just do it with a module instead of a code. the only difference lies in semantics. call it what you will, it's cheating.


and i guarantee i have not missed any vital parts of the game. as i said above i completed the game several times from both alignment perspectives before i ever used a code. and it would be very easy to come up with a reason why the things allowed in your module could be the case.

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I agree. i also have beaten the game a few times. I found alot of secrets but still how do u get revans mask? I mean i got his robe at the Star Forge but were in the hek is the mask? Maybe if u can tell me wat the name of it is and i could try to see if u could cheat to do it but if u cant thats alrite. I dont even no if it exists but ive seen picture of it on da iternet. try to find out thx dude.
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lordrevan686 please don't spam a thread with multiple posts asking the same thing as the moderators don't take too kindly to it. Just delete the extras and keep one.


Originally posted by lordrevan686

I agree. i also have beaten the game a few times. I found alot of secrets but still how do u get revans mask? I mean i got his robe at the Star Forge but were in the hek is the mask? Maybe if u can tell me wat the name of it is and i could try to see if u could cheat to do it but if u cant thats alrite. I dont even no if it exists but ive seen picture of it on da iternet. try to find out thx dude.


To answer your question, there is no Darth Revan's Mask in the normal game, the picture you saw probably came from a mod. There is a Sith Mask, but no Revan's Mask.


I made one that gives you the Revan's Robe with Hood, Cape, and Mask. The Revan/Sith/Bastila's Item Pack, the item named Darth Revan's Robes I, you would get them on Dantooine on Nemo's corpse. It is available from my mod site the link is in my sig.


There are several other Revan Mods out there as well... try looking here for a ton of great KOTOR Mods.


I hope this helps! :D

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by Darth Gizka

Is there a cheat or do I need something else?:lsduel:


mate, where theres a game, theres CHEATS!!!


i know the majority but not that one, look in KT for a .uti becoz in-game THEY are your cheats:


just put giveitem in front of the cheat code: giveitem G1_I_implant303 :p ( i likes this one ) :p



Single Blue Sabre = G_W_lghtsbr01

Single Red Sabre = G_W_lghtsbr02

Single Green Sabre = G_W_lghtsbr03

Single Yellow Sabre = G_W_lghtsbr04

Single Purple Sabre = G_W_lghtsbr05

Single Heart of Guardian Sabre = G1_W_lghtsbr01

Single Mantle of Force Sabre = G1_W_lghtsbr02


Blue Double-Saber = G_W_dblsbr001

Red Double-Saber = G_W_dblsbr002

Green Double-Saber = G_W_dblsbr003

Yellow Double Saber = G_W_dblsbr004

Purple Double-Saber = G_W_dblsbr005

Heart of Guardian Double-Saber = G1_W_dblsbr001

Mantle of ForceDouble-Saber = G1_W_dblsbr001


Blue Short Saber = G_W_shortsbr001

Red Short Saber = G_W_shortsbr002

Green Short Saber = G_W_shortsbr003

Yellow Short Saber = G_W_shortsbr004

Purple Short Saber = G_W_shortsbr005

Heart of Guardian Short Saber = G1_W_shortsbr01

Mantle of Force Short Saber = G1_W_shortsbr01


these can also help you get YOUR OWN CUSTOM ITEM in-game!!!!


i know, this doesnt get you the code you were seeking but it does help to know HOW to find cheats


i wish you luck friend, and to everyone else


MattCole :cool:

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